
Library for creating self-contained markdown files.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Library for creating self-contained markdown files by embedding images.


The library is published to jsr.io and can be installed into your TypeScript project by utilizing your respective package manager:

# For Deno
deno add @openformation/markdown-archiver

# OR for npm
npx jsr add @openformation/markdown-archiver

# OR for Yarn
yarn dlx jsr add @openformation/markdown-archiver

# OR for pnpm
pnpm dlx jsr add @openformation/markdown-archiver

# OR for bun
bunx jsr add @openformation/markdown-archiver


Important: Your project needs to have effect as a dependency.

import { Effect } from "effect";

import { archive } from "@openformation/markdown-archiver";

async function main() {
  const program = archive(`
# Hello World

![Google Logo 1998](https://web.archive.org/web/19990504112211im_/http://www.google.com/google.jpg)

  const markdown = await Effect.runPromise(program);

  console.log(markdown); // Markdown with embedded images


📝 License

markdown-archiver is OSS, licensed as MIT.