
A curated list of recommended projects that use/license Open Game Content

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

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A curated list of recommended projects that use/license Open Game Content

The Open Game License is a content license like Creative Commons that allows use and redistribution of Open Game Content


Legend: 🔓 open source · 🔒 closed source · 🔁 Creative Commons Share-Alike · 5️⃣ D&D 5e · 3️⃣ D&D 3.5e · 2️⃣ PF 2e · 1️⃣ PF1e

Hypertext SRDs

  • 🔒5️⃣3️⃣1️⃣The Hypertext d20 SRD - Clean, simple interface for everything except Pathfinder 2
  • 🔁5️⃣3️⃣D&D Wiki - SRDs and other Open Game Content hosted on MediaWiki


  • 🔓5️⃣D&D 5e API - RESTful API that returns SRD data for endpoint names like spells/?name=Acid+Arrow

Bots and Automation

  • 🔓5️⃣Warforged 5e - Web-based initiative tracker with quick monster info

Character Builders

  • 🔓5️⃣3️⃣1️⃣PCGen - Twenty year old Java application with tons of Open Game Content in its generator

VTT Implementations

Licensing Tools


  • 🔒dScryb - Provides D&D inspired text for players

Related Awesome Lists

  • 5️⃣Awesome D&D 5e SRD - 5e specific project list curated by maintainers of D&D 5e API


Contributions of any kind welcome, just follow the guidelines!


Thanks goes to these contributors!