pq - A pure Go openGauss driver for Go's database/sql package

fork from github/lib/pq


go get gitee.com/opengauss/openGauss-connector-go-pq

What's the difference of libpq for openGauss

When using original libpq go driver to access openGauss, the following error will be reported.

pq: Invalid username/password,login denied.

The reason is that openGauss default user connection password authentication method is sha256, which is a unique encryption method. Although openGauss configuration can be modified by the following methods to support native libpq connection.

  1. Set the openGauss initialization parameter password_encryption_type.

    alter system set password_encryption_type=0;
  2. Set pg_hba.conf to allow md5 password verification: host all test md5

  3. Create a new user in database, then connect by this user.

We still prefer to use a more secure encryption method like sha256, so the modified libpq can be directly compatible with sha256.


  • Adapt openGauss SHA256/SM3 password authentication
  • Support for multiple host defined connections
  • SSL
    • sslmode
    • sslrootcert
    • sslcert
    • sslkey
    • sslinline This parameter specifies the sslkey/sslcert is a string not a file
    • sslpassword This parameter specifies the password for the secret key specified in sslkey
  • Handles bad connections for database/sql
  • Scan time.Time correctly (i.e. timestamp[tz], time[tz], date)
  • Scan binary blobs correctly (i.e. bytea)
  • Package for hstore support
  • COPY FROM support
  • pq.ParseURL for converting urls to connection strings for sql.Open.
  • Many libpq compatible environment variables
  • Unix socket support
  • Notifications: LISTEN/NOTIFY
  • pgpass support
  • GSS (Kerberos) auth

Multiple Hosts

example multi_ip


  • Support to define the master and slave addresses at the same time, automatically select the main library connection, and automatically connect to the new master library when a switch occurs.
  • The target_session_attrs parameter in the connection character can only define read-write (default configuration), and there is a problem with the configuration as read-only
  • target_session_attrs
    • any (default)
    • read-write
    • read-only
    • primary
    • standby
    • prefer-standby
user=gaussdb password=secret host=foo,bar,baz port=5432 dbname=mydb sslmode=disable target_session_attrs=primary connect_timeout=1
user=gaussdb password=secret host=foo,bar,baz port=5432,5432,5433 dbname=mydb sslmode=disable target_session_attrs=primary connect_timeout=1


import (

 _ "gitee.com/opengauss/openGauss-connector-go-pq"

func main() {
 connStr := "host= port=5432 user=gaussdb password=test@1234 dbname=postgres sslmode=disable"
 db, err := sql.Open("opengauss", connStr)
 if err != nil {
 var date string
 err = db.QueryRow("select current_date ").Scan(&date)
 if err != nil {


go test is used for testing. See TESTS.md for more details.