
Many hydrology tools not writing output files in ArcGis Pro

lukejzw opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi, I've been trying to run some of the hydrology tools in ArcGis Pro. While the models appear to be running to completion, they fail to save an output file to the disk which is a bit odd. Any idea why this happening?

What tools are you having issues with?

I just tested some of the tools. It seems the outputs are saved correctly to the hard drive. However, the output are not automatically added to ArcGIS Pro. You can check the output folder and add them manually back to ArcGIS Pro. In ArcMap, outputs are automatically added to the map. Not sure why ArcGIS Pro behaves differently.

Thanks for having a look. Some of the tools were working for me too but not all. I encountered problems with the Jenson's snap Pour Points and watershed tools. No files were being added to the map or folder when I ran these. Have you tested those particular tools by any chance?

Would you mind sharing a small subset of your files for testing?

Apologies for the slow response, I was busy working on another project. Here is a link with clipped data for the region I am working on. There is a flow direction and stream map raster, as well as a shapefile with dam locations (i.e. pour points to be snapped). Let me know if you can work with this.

The shapefile you shared is incomplete. Make sure you include shp, shx, dbf, prj, etc.

I don't think this is an issue of WhiteboxTools. It is probably because you did not do it correctly. The Snap Pour Point needs a D8 Flow Accumulation file, but you sent a D8 flow direction and a stream map. Also, your D8 flow direction seems incorrect. You can also try the ArcGIS Hydrology Toolset. If you can't get your data to work with the ArcGIS Hydrology Toolset, then WhiteboxTools hydrology tools probably won't work for your data either.