A list of open geospatial datasets available on AWS, Earth Engine, Planetary Computer, NASA CMR, and STAC Index
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- ambarjaNational University of San Marcos
- amfriesz
- atxFarleyAustin, TX
- backeb@Deltares
- eemailme
- geoglrbUniversity of British Columbia
- georodGeoRod
- giswqsUniversity of Tennessee
- HadiEO
- HamedAlemoClark University
- kpennell
- littleroc
- mariomartinezszcdmx
- mog28Nairobi,Kenya
- mt0rm0Berlin, Germany
- NeneNuneLatinos in Heritage Conservation
- pvretanoCubeWerx Inc.
- RajeshDorkar-tomtom
- ramcandrewsHire Me!
- senthil1729India
- ShaneMuddCodeDC area
- stephenjlee@universalaccess
- vdelucaMunigis