Public Repository for the OGC API - Features Compliance Test Suite
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Wrong result validating LineString crossing dateline-crossing bbox leading to failed test on certified implementation
#247 opened by jerstlouis - 2
All tests asserting a collection's crs identifiers shall consider the global crs property if included as a JSON pointer
#251 opened by groldan - 1
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Checks for bbox CRS definition are generally invalid
#249 opened by aaime - 1
Hardcoded BBox add a requirement to test data?
#243 opened by coim32 - 9
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Bounding box numberMatched test failures due to loss of precision in extent coordinates
#239 opened by code-akki - 7
Timeout when testing OGC API Features
#246 opened by fabiovinci - 1
Implement support of v1.0.1
#204 opened by dstenger - 2
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Simplify detecting test failures
#242 opened by captaincoordinates - 1
Crs not supported with small case
#226 opened by GinaStavropoulou - 1
bbox schema test is outdated
#223 opened by cportele - 3
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Clarification on numberMatched and numberReturned
#234 opened by murithigeo - 2
400 error (Bad request) when trying to connect to the test suites endpoint (Docker)
#205 opened by why-not-try-calmer - 0
Migrate test suite to TEAM Engine 6 (Java 17)
#235 opened by dstenger - 6
clarification of Abstract Test 22, Test Method 6
#188 opened by tomkralidis - 2
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OGC API features service behind authentication
#232 opened by claustres - 4
bbox or parameter parsing
#231 opened by murithigeo - 4
SAXParseException while trying to run tests
#230 opened by wojciechZubOS - 1
Improved logging in order to follow progress
#228 opened by heidivanparys - 6
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1.3/CRS84h required but link is not working
#221 opened by GinaStavropoulou - 1
Incorrect processing of point coordinates
#222 opened by cportele - 3
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Abstract Test 22 - maximum behaviour check if maximum is not specified crashes
#196 opened by jnystad - 1
Prevent NPE in FeaturesAssertions
#178 opened by dstenger - 3
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UriBuilder.retrieveCollectionNameTemplateName does not support prefix in testPoint path
#177 opened by alainbodiguel - 2
CRS tests fail against empty feature collections
#201 opened by aaime - 0
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Part 2/bbox-crs validation: Using transformed extent as bbox fails in many cases
#199 opened by jnystad - 3
Api links with relative paths not supported
#180 opened by trucheromayor - 4
Improve tests performance
#183 opened by jerstlouis - 2
Improved feedback on progress of tests
#182 opened by jerstlouis - 3
OpenAPIUtils.identifyTestPoints misses some paths
#191 opened by ghobona - 1
Cannot run TE Docker Container behind https
#203 opened by justb4 - 1
Docker image for running tests via CLI
#197 opened by jnystad - 4
Abstract Test 13 clarification
#187 opened by tomkralidis - 5
Out of memory testing our implementation
#181 opened by jerstlouis