
Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookOtherNOASSERTION


ChartTable generates HTML code of tables for exploratory data analysis. These can be rendered in an Ipython Notebook or exported as an HTML document. These are the main features implemented:

  • Horizontal bar chart columns. Three variables can be combine in a single column:
    • The text/number value
    • The bar width
    • The bar colours

Current version

version = ''

This means that we are in a very early developing stage and the package is experimental!

Ipython notebook templates and examples.

The easiest way to use ChartTable is by modifying the Ipython notebook provided as template and examples. Just change some input and enjoy the results.

Installation in Anaconda distribution (Linux/Window/OS)


Installation from source (from github.com)

This is the most update but unstable development version. You may manually install all the dependencies and make sure you have a C compiler available:

git clone https://github.com/opengeostat/charttable.git
cd charttable
python setup.py install


See the Ipython noteebooks provided in the folder charttable/Ipython_templates.


Copyright 2015, Adrian Martinez Vargas

Supported by Opengeostat Consulting @ http://opengeostat.com/

This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the GPL license. See the LICENSE.txt file for details.

Wed 30 Apr. 2016