Implements algorithms for minimizing functions of binary variables with unary and pairwise terms based on roof duality described in the following papers:
Roof duality, complementation and persistency in quadratic 0-1 optimization.
P. L. Hammer, P. Hansen, and B. Simeone.
Mathematical Programming, 28:121-155, 1984.
Network flows and minimization of quadratic pseudo-Boolean functions.
E. Boros, P. L. Hammer, and X. Sun.
Technical Report RRR 17-1991, RUTCOR Research Report, May 1991.
Preprocessing of Unconstrained Quadratic Binary Optimization.
E. Boros, P. L. Hammer, and G. Tavares.
Technical Report RRR 10-2006, RUTCOR Research Report, April 2006.
Optimizing binary MRFs via extended roof duality.
C. Rother, V. Kolmogorov, V. Lempitsky, and M. Szummer.
CVPR 2007.
Original implementation by Vladimir Kolmogorov.