Implements algorithms for minimizing functions of binary variables with unary and pairwise terms based on roof duality


Implements algorithms for minimizing functions of binary variables with unary and pairwise terms based on roof duality described in the following papers:

Roof duality, complementation and persistency in quadratic 0-1 optimization.
P. L. Hammer, P. Hansen, and B. Simeone.
Mathematical Programming, 28:121-155, 1984. 

Network flows and minimization of quadratic pseudo-Boolean functions.
E. Boros, P. L. Hammer, and X. Sun.
Technical Report RRR 17-1991, RUTCOR Research Report, May 1991. 

Preprocessing of Unconstrained Quadratic Binary Optimization.
E. Boros, P. L. Hammer, and G. Tavares.
Technical Report RRR 10-2006, RUTCOR Research Report, April 2006. 

Optimizing binary MRFs via extended roof duality.
C. Rother, V. Kolmogorov, V. Lempitsky, and M. Szummer.
CVPR 2007. 

Original implementation by Vladimir Kolmogorov.