

We're currently drafting example XML documents for Chicago resolutions. The drafts are based on Akoma Ntoso.

The PDF versions can be found in the resolutions/pdf directory and their xml representations are in the resolutions/xml directory, matching based on name.

The only current version in Akoma Ntoso is below

ie. resolutions/pdf/R2015-232.pdf -> resolutions/xml/R2015-232.xml

The current top-level document structure for resolutions looks like:

  <metadata>...</metadata> //Currently uses the dublinCore standard for document meta info
  <preface>...</preface> //This hold the cover sheet information from the resolution pdfs.
  <preamble>...</preamble> //This holds the "whereas" clauses
  <body>...</body> //This holds the "Be it resolved" / "Be it further resolved" clauses
  <conclusions>...</conclusions> //This hold the signatures


  • How to handle meta correctly. Currently just using dublinCore standards.
  • How to handle the coverPage element
  • All Akoma Ntoso versioning-specific meta (currently marked as required by the schema)
  • Add document number to the preface ( and metadata ?)