Pinned issues
- 3
Semantic model - how to import & export
#4611 opened by hooperbloob - 1
- 2
Version/Update information available inside openHAB
#4603 opened by Boby71 - 53
- 1
- 0
Unify filter mechanism
#4600 opened by spacemanspiff2007 - 0
Location picker, and maps in general handle lat/long outiside of a single planet.
#4599 opened by LovesTha - 7
Bundles not starting waiting forever
#4594 opened by mstormi - 0
Improve consistency of calculation functions over sets of QuantityType values
#4562 opened by andrewfg - 3
Event WebSocket: Add topic filter
#4549 opened by florian-h05 - 0
automation_rules_disabled.json uncontrolled growth
#4590 opened by jimtng - 0
- 0
[Websockets] Sending a slightly bigger messages causes websockets connection to unexpectedly terminate
#4587 opened by spacemanspiff2007 - 2
Persistence Exclution Strategy not working properly
#4586 opened by miloit - 4
Code rework, Java 21 features can be used in core system (excluding addons)
#4554 opened by holgerfriedrich - 1
- 0
conditionhandler uid core.TimeOfDayCondition is inconsistent with triggerhandler uid timer.TimeOfDayTrigger
#4582 opened by jimtng - 1
Using 1970-01-01 in Date Item overwrites the Time-only flag of DateTime Triggers
#4517 opened by simonh1005 - 12
Sitemap: Render "Default" widgets and inside groups as text for read-only items
#4559 opened by mueller-ma - 0
- 27
- 1
Rule engine not yet started
#4576 opened by jangerhart - 0
- 8
Show raw channel value without linking channel to item
#4560 opened by seime - 9
Build #4410: Bindings whose Jars are in /addons folder not shown in manual Add Things screen
#4494 opened by andrewfg - 11
Allow comparison operators in rules definition
#4503 opened by Boby71 - 15
- 1
- 0
Cannot migrate community marketplace rule template version after publishing
#4545 opened by JanMattner - 12
jupnp stuck on Waiting after 5.0 update
#4506 opened by morph166955 - 30
- 2
Community Marketplace add-ons show the version range from the topic after being installed
#4521 opened by Nadahar - 2
JSScripting startupComplete event doesn't fire
#4533 opened by mtraxiot - 1
A simple rule defined in UI gives errors in logs
#4531 opened by Jetblack31 - 0
Allow passing the access token in Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header to authorize WebSocket connections
#4490 opened by ghys - 6
Enable wildcard matching in DSL rules
#4520 opened by morph166955 - 1
Community Marketplace open-ended version range
#4523 opened by Nadahar - 0
ThingManagerImpl: Channel types or config descriptions for thing .. are missing in the respective registry for more than 120s
#4518 opened by andrewfg - 6
Add UnitUtils.shouldUseUnitHint
#4478 opened by ccutrer - 1
- 2
rule "System started" runs 2x
#4492 opened by hrf3 - 4
Channel copy don't respect field changes
#4458 opened by mti-sk - 1
`ConfigStatusThingHandler` behavior
#4473 opened by Nadahar - 5
var in lambda
#4493 opened by hrf3 - 2
Missing org.openhab.core.model.items Classes in GitHub Repository for openhab-core Main Branch and Tag 4.2.3
#4476 opened by Deamon-Z - 0
Non deterministic tests in the repository
#4474 opened by yugvajani - 3
- 0
- 1
- 3
Model definition: semantic class, semantic property
#4459 opened by mti-sk