- 14
Warewulfv4 container read-only after `dnf update -y`
#2061 opened by Kostusas - 5
Possibly incorrect requires for intel-compilers-devel-ohpc-2024.0-310.ohpc.4.1
#1992 opened by opoplawski - 14
ucx update from OpenHPC 3.2 broke existing openmpi5-gnu13
#2059 opened by LaHaine - 0
Elrepo repo not working
#2060 opened by remcovanschadewijk - 4
spack usage
#1995 opened by gustavoberman - 4
- 1
librdmacm conflicts with MOFED
#1856 opened by jcsiadal - 1
3.0 Checklist
#1875 opened by koomie - 2
`packit` and `testing-farm`
#1886 opened by LecrisUT - 13
During installation of ohpc , when trying to start #pdsh -w c[1] systemctl start , it give error
#1918 opened by farrukhndm - 1
rocky 8.9 + warewulf+slurm error detecting hardware
#1947 opened by luciandf - 1
Syntax bug when checking the execution environment
#1990 opened by thomasbergernz - 2
Error mount /
#2025 opened by felixeye - 8
rocky9+warewulf+slurm network file not created
#1946 opened by luciandf - 2
- 2
sproradic errors from wwgetfiles
#2018 opened by floerica - 2
Lmod: why skip `make test`?
#2027 opened by simonLeary42 - 4
possible wrong prefix in MPIs
#2003 opened by martinj80 - 4
Rocky9-Warewulf-Slurm-3.1 rpcbind problem
#2001 opened by a18090 - 1
Update Score-P / Scalasca to new versions
#1981 opened by Thyre - 17
Cannot load intel/2024.0.0 module
#1912 opened by opoplawski - 2
Slurmrestd jwt support
#1815 opened by msteggink - 4
Error for the 2.7 repo in current Install recipes
#1920 opened by derekjhunt - 3
Offline tar files for OpenHPC 2.7
#1908 opened by ruixingw - 19
Lmod init/bash errors
#1974 opened by crohr88 - 0
warewulf-provision error message during install
#1960 opened by adrianreber - 5
Please update lmod to 8.7.31 to support Intel oneAPI debugger 2023.2.0 module file
#1905 opened by opoplawski - 4
RFE: Non-MPI version of necdf packages
#1751 opened by opoplawski - 2
Failed to install `warewulf-provision` (dev branch)
#1726 opened by Yikun - 2
mpif90 / mvapich2 compile issues on openhpc 2.x
#1833 opened by mdeignan - 1
New Slurm release to address CVE-2023-499*
#1915 opened by sjpb - 6
UCX version
#1776 opened by enuff-tech - 1
ipmitool issue
#1865 opened by drscottsimpson - 6
Intel OneAPI Toolkit Release ohpc
#1901 opened by ruralsysadmin - 6
rocky 9 + warewulf + slurm fails on pristine system
#1943 opened by luciandf - 17
- 3
hwloc-ohpc libraries hidden on node
#1818 opened by MiddelkoopT - 2
slurm.conf notes and updates
#1823 opened by MiddelkoopT - 2
slurmd is not enabled/started on Rocky/Warewulf/Slurm
#1821 opened by MiddelkoopT - 9
- 5
- 1
[ohpc2.6] slurm 21.08.8 intelmpi 2021.11 srun compatibility
#1911 opened by vyscenkoh - 5
Can't install apptainer having installed ohpc-base-compute
#1889 opened by sjpb - 4
openHPC 3.0 + opensuse leap 15.5
#1883 opened by dvdsnchzIT - 8
Need a rebuild for 3.x doc?
#1876 opened by Yikun - 0
Error loading intel/2* module
#1846 opened by nsonoda - 5
SLURM spool directory missing
#1859 opened by s-kuh - 3
OpenHPC compatibility with Rocky9 and RHEL9
#1814 opened by Yujaeseo - 3
Dependency issue with papi-ohpc
#1705 opened by mntbighker - 3