
Rework the "examples" sections

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Some of our endpoints don't have examples. Others do. At least one of them (just below Table 6: Read Stream Status Errors) has a few examples that are general to all endpoints. Let's rework how we do examples. Maybe provide an examples section for the general ones and then make sure every endpoint has endpoint-specific examples and link to them from the examples section?

call on 2023-03-21: We need an inventory of the sections that lack examples. Peter and Tim to compile list.

Tim: Core

@FragLegs @timcappalli what is the threshold for requiring an example? from rereading the description we may want to agree to how exhaustive we want the examples to be

so far sections without examples in openid-sharedsignals-framework-1_0.txt:

@timcappalli please provide an update as it looks like you had an action item related to this.

We also need to remove subject from the events payloads in the examples.

Figure 46 needs a sub_id

The following examples either need subject removed from the event, sub_id added to the base SET, or both:

  • subject-ids-ex-simple
  • subject-ids-ex-complex
  • subject-properties-ex
  • subject-custom-type-ex
  • risc-event-subject-example
  • caep-event-properties-example
  • figarrayaud