
What happens when a paused stream is polled?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

tulshi commented

The SSF spec does not clarify what should happen when a stream that has been paused for new events is polled. Philip Hunt brought up this issue in an email: If a stream is suspended, what response should a poll request give (its not part of the poll request spec. For the moement I am requring status ok (there is nothing available because the stream is supsended) with a header indicating stream state. BadRequest Unauthorized, forbidden, or internal error all seem wrong. :)

What about the 204 (No Content) status code + the Retry-After header?

tulshi commented

That's a reasonable option. I feel we should just have some language in the SSF spec to clarify how a Transmitter is expected to behave in this scenario

It could also just respond with an empty list of SETs, as if it were a stream that had no events to send.