
Vim/Neovim plugin which applies correct filetypes to files managed by YADM

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


vim-yadm-files is a Vim/Neovim plugin which sets correct filetypes for files managed by yadm so that syntax highlighting and other editor features work correctly.

It supports alternate files and templates.

vim-yadm-files does not ship with any documentation and does not provide any configuration options.


vim-yadm-files should work with any Vim/Neovim plugin manager. If you would like to use vim-plug, for example:

  1. Install vim-plug
  2. Add Plug 'openjck/vim-yadm-files' to your Vim/Neovim configuration file
  3. Run :PlugInstall


Alternate files

vim-yadm-files supports yadm alternate files. For example, when this plugin is enabled, a file with the name .gitconfig##distro.Ubuntu will get the gitconfig filetype, which will cause Vim/Neovim to apply gitconfig syntax highlighting and enable other gitconfig features.


Jinja-based templates

vim-yadm-files supports Jinja-based yadm templates. For example, when this plugin is enabled, a file with any of the following names will get the jinja filetype:

  • .gitconfig##t
  • .gitconfig##t.default
  • .gitconfig##t.j2
  • .gitconfig##t.j2cli
  • .gitconfig##t.envtpl
  • .gitconfig##template
  • .gitconfig##template.default
  • .gitconfig##template.j2
  • .gitconfig##template.j2cli
  • .gitconfig##template.envtpl

Note that neither Vim nor Neovim support the jinja filetype out of the box. For syntax highlighting and other features, install a Jinja plugin like vim-jinja2-syntax.

esh-based templates

vim-yadm-files sets the esh filetype on esh-based yadm templates. For example, when this plugin is enabled, a file with either of the following names will get the esh filetype:

  • .gitconfig##t.esh
  • .gitconfig##template.esh

Note that neither Vim nor Neovim support the esh filetype out of the box. I also cannot find any plugins which provide syntax highlighting or other features for files with the esh filetype. However, if such a plugin is published in the future, it will be compatible with this plugin.

Frequently asked questions

Why not use the extension/e attribute for alternate files?

yadm allows the filenames of alternate files to end with an extension or e attribute to make it appear as though it has a certain extension. For example, a file with the following name will be treated as a Fish script in Vim/Neovim and most other editors, even without this plugin enabled:


However, I have found that this does not work in Vim/Neovim. For example, Vim will report that there is no filetype when the following command is run:

vim -u NONE utils.fish##distro.Ubuntu,extension.fish -c 'set ft?'

(If -u NONE is not passed and a corresponding language plugin is enabled, Vim may print the correct filetype. For example, in the above example, if -u NONE is not passed and the vim-fish plugin is enabled, Vim will report that the filetype is fish. I assume this is because plugins sometimes detect file extensions differently than Vim and Neovim core do.)

The extension/e attribute also does not work in Vim/Neovim for files that do not have extensions. For example, without this plugin, a file with either of the following names will not get the gitconfig file type:

  • .gitconfig##distro.Ubuntu
  • .gitconfig##distro.Ubuntu,extension.gitconfig

Why not use a modeline?

If you don't want to use this plugin, you could instead communicate the filetype to Vim/Neovim by using a modeline. That's a perfectly valid solution to the problem of Vim/Neovim setting the wrong filetype on files managed by yadm. I just prefer not to use modelines when possible, to keep my files clean.