
openkf docs https://openkf.netlify.app/ https://openkf.github.io/website/

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT

OpenKF's docs

OpenKF's docs are built with hugo, and can be browsed live at https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/

To browse them locally, install hugo and run make serve from this directory.

Read tutorial, learning to use OpenKF document construction

start local server

npm install
npm run start

File Directory Description

Directory Description
archetypes Directory for creating new content files with Hugo command.
assets Directory for storing files that need to be processed by Hugo Pipes.
config Directory for storing configuration directives in JSON, YAML, or TOML format.
content Directory for storing all the content of your website. Each top-level folder is considered a content section.
data Directory for storing configuration files that can be used by Hugo during website generation.
layouts Directory for storing template files specifying how to render content views in the static website.
static Directory for storing all static content such as images, CSS, JavaScript, etc.
resources Directory for caching files to speed up the generation process.


Note💡: You can change the commands in the scripts section of ./package.json.


Create new content for your site:

npm run create [path] [flags]

See also the Hugo docs: hugo new.

Docs based tree

Create a docs based tree — with a single command:

npm run create -- --kind docs [section]

For example, create a docs based tree named guides:

npm run create -- --kind docs guides


Check scripts, styles, and markdown for errors:

npm run lint


Check scripts for errors:

npm run lint:scripts [-- --fix]


Check styles for errors:

npm run lint:styles [-- --fix]


Check markdown for errors:

npm run lint:markdown [-- --fix]


Delete temporary directories:

npm run clean


Start local development server:

npm run start


Build production website:

npm run build


Build Lambda functions:

npm run build:functions


Build production website including draft and future content:

npm run build:preview

hugo server
