
Istio Circuit Breaker Mission for Thorntail

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Istio Circuit Breaker Mission for Thorntail


Showcase Circuit Breaking in Istio in Thorntail applications


  • Docker installed and running
  • OpenShift and Istio environment up and running with mTLS enabled.

See https://github.com/openshift-istio/istio-docs/blob/master/content/rhoar-workflow.adoc for details about the Launcher workflows and setting up the docker insecure registry required to run the istiooc.

Here is the sequence showing how to get up and running with the latest OpenShift 3.11 based istiooc release.

  • Download the latest istiooc release, for example:
mkdir istiooc && cd istiooc
wget -O oc https://github.com/Maistra/origin/releases/download/v3.11.0%2Bmaistra-0.7.0/istiooc_linux
chmod +x oc
export PATH=/path/to/istiooc:$PATH

Note in this case it is based on Maistra 0.9.0 openshift-ansible release: https://github.com/Maistra/openshift-ansible/releases/tag/maistra-0.9.0

  • Start the cluster:
oc cluster up

Note this will apply the the istio-operator described here: https://github.com/Maistra/openshift-ansible/blob/maistra-0.9.0/istio/Installation.md#installing-the-istio-operator

  • Login as system:admin, create an admin user and relogin as admin:admin
oc create user admin
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin admin
oc login
  • Apply anyuid and privileged permissions to the service account of the project you are going to use to test the booster services, by default it will be a default account in the project MyProject:
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid system:serviceaccount:myproject:default
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:myproject:default
  • Deploy the Istio control plane and the Fabric8 launcher:
oc create -f istio-installation-full.yaml

where istio-installation-full.yaml should look like this:

apiVersion: "istio.openshift.com/v1alpha1"
kind: "Installation"
  name: "istio-installation"
  namespace: istio-operator
  deployment_type: openshift
    authentication: true
    community: false
    prefix: registry.access.redhat.com/openshift-istio-tech-preview/ 
    version: 0.9.0
    prefix: registry.access.redhat.com/distributed-tracing-tech-preview/
    version: 1.11.0
    elasticsearch_memory: 1Gi
      user: admin
      password: admin
      username: YOUR_GIT_ACCOUNT_ID

where the GIT token should have public_repo, read:org, and admin:repo_hook permissions.

The more complete version may look like this: https://github.com/Maistra/openshift-ansible/blob/maistra-0.9.0/istio/istio-installation-full.yaml

but the one above is sufficient for testing the boosters. Note, setting istio.authentication to true enables MTLS.

  • Verify the Istio Control Plane and Launcher deployments:


Now proceed to testing the booster.

Launcher Flow Setup

If the Booster is installed through the Launcher and the Continuous Delivery flow, no additional steps are necessary.

Skip to the Use Cases section.

Local Source to Image Build (S2I)

Prepare the Namespace

Create a new namespace/project:

oc new-project <whatever valid project name you want>

Build and Deploy the Application

Using Fabric8 Maven plugin

Build and deploy the services directly:

cd name-service
mvn clean fabric8:deploy -Popenshift
cd ..
cd greeting-service
mvn clean fabric8:deploy -Popenshift
cd ..

With Source to Image build (S2I)

Run the following commands to apply and execute the OpenShift templates that will configure and deploy the applications:

find . | grep openshiftio | grep application | xargs -n 1 oc apply -f

oc new-app --template=thorntail-istio-circuit-breaker-greeting-service -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL=https://github.com/wildfly-swarm-openshiftio-boosters/wfswarm-istio-circuit-breaker -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF=master -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR=greeting-service
oc new-app --template=thorntail-istio-circuit-breaker-name-service -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL=https://github.com/wildfly-swarm-openshiftio-boosters/wfswarm-istio-circuit-breaker -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF=master -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR=name-service

Use Cases

Any steps issuing oc commands require the user to have run oc login first and switched to the appropriate project with oc project <project name>.

Without Istio Configuration

  1. Create a Gateway and Virtual Service in Istio so that we can access the service within the Mesh:
    oc apply -f istio-config/gateway.yaml
  2. Retrieve the URL for the Istio Ingress Gateway route, with the below command, and open it in a web browser.
    echo http://$(oc get route istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}{"\n"}' -n istio-system)/thorntail-istio-circuit-breaker/
  3. The user will be presented with the web page of the Booster
  4. Click "Start" to issue repeating concurrent requests in batches of 10 to the greeting service
  5. Click "Stop" to cease issuing more requests
  6. The number of concurrent requests can be set to anything between 1 and 20
  7. There should be no failures and all calls are ok

With Istio Configuration

Initial Setup

  1. Run oc project <project> to connect to the project created by the Launcher, or one you created in a previous step
  2. Create a VirtualService for the name service, which is required to use DestinationRule later
    oc create -f istio-config/virtual-service.yml -n $(oc project -q)
  3. Trying the application again you will notice no change from the current behavior

Istio Circuit Breaker Configuration

  1. Apply a DestinationRule that activates Istio's Circuit Breaker on the name service, configuring it to allow a maximum of 100 concurrent connections
    oc create -f istio-config/initial-destination-rule.yml -n $(oc project -q)
  2. Trying the application again you should see no change, as we're only able to make up to 20 concurrent connections which is not enough to trigger the circuit breaker.
  3. Remove the initial destination rule
    oc delete -f istio-config/initial-destination-rule.yml
  4. Apply a more restrictive destination rule
    oc create -f istio-config/restrictive-destination-rule.yml -n $(oc project -q)
  5. Trying the application again you can see about a third of all requests are triggering the fallback response because the circuit is open
  6. If we check "Simulate load", which adds a delay into how quickly the name service responds, and click "Start". We now see that the majority of our calls trigger the fallback as our name service takes too long to respond.