- 5
Getting tons of error on npm install
#19 opened by anuragvohraec - 3
Add Arial
#1 opened by lukasmartinelli - 0
- 11
npm install failing
#11 opened by abdullahsumbal - 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
Noto Sans are 100x bigger file size
#13 opened by caleb87 - 6
- 0
Support for Highway Gothic font
#18 opened by ZeLonewolf - 0
Adding fonts that support SUBSCRIPT numbers
#16 opened by alabbasinour - 1
how to create fonts like Klokantech Noto Sans Bold,Klokantech Noto Sans CJK Bold.
#10 opened by beyoung - 0
Myanmar/Burmese font not rendering correctly
#14 opened by mapmeld - 1
Merging Noto fonts
#4 opened by rinigus - 1
just Open Sans via glyphs link
#6 opened by musicformellons - 1
Help Wanted in Noto Sans alignment
#5 opened by Rajesh-Kagathara - 1
Cannot install genfontgl
#3 opened by emacgillavry - 1
Travis to build gh-pages + zip for release
#2 opened by klokan