Do cats love RAM?
Get the full power of UIKit collections for your SwiftUI projects!
Important: I need help to improve this project! Сode review or implementing sui tricks to improve performance will be very helpful
Performance (Apple A12)
- GeometryReader in each cell + medium resolution pictures
- Using NukeUI, with old conditions
Get the full power of UIKit collections for your projects!
You can use a collection with pagination, with pullToRefresh
public let pullToRefresh = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()
public let loadMore = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()
public let limit = 10
UIKitCollection(items: cats,
prefetchLimit: limit,
loadMoreSubject: loadMore,
pullToRefreshSubject: pullToRefresh)
{ indexPath, item in
CatsCell(item: item, index: indexPath.row)
.onReceive(loadMore) {
//fetch next page
.onReceive(pullToRefresh) {
//refreshing page
Or just as a replacement SwiftUI ForEach
UIKitCollection(items: catsDB) { indexPath, item in
NavigationLink(destination: CatsFavoriteDetail(cat: item)) {
AsyncImageCached(url: item.url) { image in
} placeholder: {