Pinned issues
- 1
Set up `ruff`
#635 opened by PGijsbers - 0
- 2
- 4
- 4
- 1
More detailed results from the paper
#599 opened by sedol1339 - 3
Integration of Ludwig and TabPFN
#648 opened by annawiewer - 3
- 10
Add PerpetualBooster
#641 opened by deadsoul44 - 1
User Guide missing
#645 opened by PGijsbers - 1
Defaults to improve framework integration setup
#642 opened by PGijsbers - 4
Error when running on Windows
#622 opened by juliocartier - 0
Drop usage of ARFF files in favor of parquet
#637 opened by PGijsbers - 1
Future Annotation Improvements
#633 opened by PGijsbers - 5
- 4
Error while installing autogluon-tabular[skex]
#609 opened by liam-sbhoo - 1
How can we view training data results?
#620 opened by fathollahzadeh - 1
Add contribution page to mobile website
#616 opened by PGijsbers - 4
Time series forecasting support for FEDOT
#610 opened by Lopa10ko - 1
reporting and visualizing the results
#613 opened by ilhembekkr - 2
Broken link (interactive visualization tool)
#607 opened by CarachinoAlessio - 3
- 0
Add optional dependencies
#601 opened by PGijsbers - 2
Multiple predictions in a single
#598 opened by sedol1339 - 2
Example "Stacking" is not working
#596 opened by sedol1339 - 2
Does H2OAutoML run in venv?
#595 opened by sedol1339 - 7
Error with custom framework
#593 opened by sedol1339 - 1
- 2
Benchmark name "amlb.yaml" causes error.
#591 opened by sedol1339 - 2
Any documentation on OpenmlDataset and TaskConfig?
#592 opened by sedol1339 - 0
Make AMLB pip installable
#589 opened by PGijsbers - 1
- 2
- 8
- 7
503 Error when downloading dataset
#573 opened by eddiebergman - 1
Question Paper
#582 opened by cynthiamaia - 0
Fix `FEDOT` predict duration measurement
#581 opened by PGijsbers - 1
- 0 missing
#576 opened by Innixma - 0
Update the main frameworks page
#570 opened by PGijsbers - 0
Add a contributor guide
#569 opened by PGijsbers - 0
Revise docker permission setup
#545 opened by PGijsbers - 0
- 0
- 2
EC2 AMIs: Outdated
#512 opened by Innixma - 0
Rename `master` branch to `main`
#517 opened by PGijsbers - 0
Test bucket access on EC2 start-up
#524 opened by PGijsbers - 1
Remove `autoxgboost` integration
#513 opened by PGijsbers - 0
Incorrect definition file referenced when trying to invoke non-existing tagged framework.
#518 opened by PGijsbers - 3
How to benchmark datasets with "10 times 10 fold Crossvalidation" evaluaton procedure
#515 opened by Innixma