- 4
ACE ignored when calling addMissingHydrogens
#319 opened by ross-pure - 0
Remove use of cgi module
#318 opened by peastman - 5
Have removeHeterogens() return the toDelete[] list?
#315 opened by Chance626 - 5
Enhancement requests if not already existing?
#247 opened by BJWiley233 - 13
- 1
Residues are not recorded correctly
#260 opened by Ruibin-Liu - 5
- 5
Is there any molecular dynamics or docking research published using pdbfixer?
#270 opened by RuikangSun - 3
- 1
pH protonation valid
#278 opened by groponp - 1
findMissingAtoms raises AttributeError if findMissingResidues has not been called first
#279 opened by nielskm - 5
Mutating to non-standard amino acids not present in available force field libraries
#286 opened by amin-sagar - 1
How can I cite this tool if I use it
#288 opened by tang2552 - 3
- 8
`PDBFixer.addSolvent` often incorrectly neutralises systems with charged ligands as though they were neutral
#299 opened by Yoshanuikabundi - 5
- 1
pkg_resources is deprecated as an API
#311 opened by kiyoon - 13
pypi version
#254 opened by Pantelispanka - 14
PDBFixer - in some cases added residues have amides with non-trans OCNH stereochemistry
#307 opened by ivanicj - 2
Support for PDB files with multiple frames?
#310 opened by jeevster - 5
CASN adds hydrogenation errors
#306 opened by astomer2 - 5
- 2
app.Modeller._loadStandardHydrogenDefinitions() AttributeError: type object 'Modeller' has no attribute '_loadStandardHydrogenDefinitions'
#302 opened by MichaelAbel1 - 10
- 10
PDBFixer not writing out complete CONECT records for downloaded Templates
#297 opened by sukritsingh - 7
Error when having more than 10 chain identifiers
#287 opened by FAOlivieri - 9
- 5
- 1
PDBFixer adding repeated residues at the start.
#291 opened by Ian-CP - 2
Fixing out a very long chain with pdbfixer
#290 opened by stan1233 - 1
- 0
- 2
How to avoid conflicts with other atoms of the protein when undergoing amino acid mutations?
#282 opened by 9527567 - 2
- 14
Processed Receptor has Long Legs in PDB File
#276 opened by syedzayyan - 10
Issue with Multiprocessing
#277 opened by cplateVT - 5
PDBFixer API cannot fix mmCIF file
#275 opened by locitran - 2
PDBfixer with python=3.10 and openmm=7.7
#272 opened by matteo-cagiada - 0
pdbfixer doesn
#271 opened by matteo-cagiada - 4
- 3
For those care about the running time
#264 opened by Minys233 - 2
Missing b factors
#266 opened by zlcrrrr - 2
`fixer.findMissingResidues()` fails on 3ODU
#255 opened by JSLJ23 - 6
Failed to find missing residues in 6VYC
#256 opened by jw-feng - 2
Cannot add missing atoms
#252 opened by kntkb - 8
Which parameter set(periodicity, offset, k) does PeriodicTorsionForce use in soft.xml?
#250 opened by psp3dcg - 2
Adding two terminal caps to a single residue
#251 opened by ljmartin - 2
Version 1.8.1 fails to addSolvent() when boxShape kwarg is present. Also in openmm-setup
#249 opened by pguillem - 0
#248 opened by jaredsagendorf - 2