
OpenNetAdmin plugin to display detail information on a detail page about AWS

Primary LanguagePHP


This OpenNetAdmin plugin will display detail information on a detail page about AWS. When installed you get information about VPC, Region, state, tags for hosts and subnets.


  • Install via standard method outlined here: https://github.com/opennetadmin/ona/wiki/Plugins
  • Install aws-sdk (silly me I dont even know what version I used, figure this out and fix the info here) https://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-php/
    • the sdk should be in the aws-sdk directory
    • mkdir aws-sdk;cd aws-sdk;wget https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-php/releases/download/3.9.4/aws.zip;unzip aws.zip
  • Add an AWS manufacturer and device type. the installer script will do this for you in the future. i.e. 'AWS, EC2 Instance (Virtual Server)'
  • Add a subnet type that is prefixed with AWS and contains the region. i.e. 'AWS us-west-2'. Installer will do this in future.
  • Copy the amazon_aws_detail.conf.php.example file to /opt/ona/etc/amazon_aws_detail.conf.php and add your key/secret


  • make an installer
  • set up a better central sdk link
  • set up a central way to configure the keys
  • installer should add the new subnet type and device types
  • if it does not find the subnet on AWS, prompt to add it based on the info in ONA? This would likely need some input options, yet to be determined.