
Password retrieval tool for scripts

Primary LanguagePerl


getpw is a perl program that allows you to look up passwords for specified devices based on a specified type of password. The intent is to be used by scripts that connect to other devices or services that require a password.

The password list that is returned can then be looped through by your script until one is successful.


Since getpw is a perl script/program, and only needs to be copied to a directory in your path to make it accessible. Most likely the following steps will be sufficient:

  • If you have not already, run the following command echo '/opt/ona' > /etc/onabase. This assumes you installed ONA into /opt/ona
  • Copy the getpw script to /opt/ona/bin or other binary location on the system
  • Make sure its executable: chmod +x /opt/ona/bin/getpw
  • Copy the getpw.conf.example configuration to /opt/ona/etc/getpw.conf and start adding passwords.

By default getpw will look in /etc/getpw.conf for it's config file. If you do not have an /etc/onabase file then it will default to /etc/getpw.conf.


  • getpw is written in Perl, so no compilation is needed.
  • On a Unix/Linux OS if your perl binary is not installed at /usr/bin/perl you may need to edit the first line of the script accordingly.
  • On a Microsoft OS you may need to put a .pl extension on getpw so Windows will know to associate it with perl.


Running getpw by itself will give you the usage synopsis. It requires the -h and -t options.

The -h option specifies the host name or ip address that you want to return a password for. If you specify a host name it will be first resolved to its IP address before being matched in the password file. It will use the first IP that is found by the system resolver.

The -t option specifies the type of password you want returned. It can be any string that should ultimatly match one of the types specified in the password file. Typical types include enable, snmpro, snmprw, etc. You can use any type you wish however.


The -p option is used to select positionally which password you want to get back. So assuming that the specified password type has 4 password entries in the password file, you could select the 3rd password using '-p 3'. By default getpw returns the entire comma separated list of password for the specified type.

The -v option will increase the debug output verbosity the more times it is used. -v for debug level 1 or -vvv for debug level 3.


Return codes can be tested via the shell variable $? and should be 0 on success or anything greater than 1 on failure. The return code should be a count of how many things failed.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BE CAREFUL not to let this password file be owned by the incorrect group/user.

Remember that this file should only be readable by the people executing getpw and processes that run getpw.

These passwords will only be as secure as the filesystem and permissions that it is using. This is much like the old /etc/password file in this regard except that it will most likly be owned by something other than root. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The password file defines IP ranges and the password types that are valid for those ranges. The file is processed from top to bottom and will stop on the first match it finds.

Each section is defined by an ip/mask statement surounded by square brackets. You can specify a single host using its IP and a mask of You can not specify masks in CIDR format (i.e. no /24 etc). You can however specify complex masks to mask out multiple cross sections of address space in one mask.

Examples: [] or []

Within the section you can define any password type and then its resulting password values. The type and the password values are seperated by '=>'. Each password value is seperated by a comma. It is intended that the passwords listed for each type are listed from newest to oldest. This allows other scripts to loop through the result and try each password in order until one works.

Example: enable=>new-password1,old-password2,oldest-password3


I'll say it again:

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BE CAREFUL not to let this password file be owned by the incorrect group/user.

Remember that this file should only be readable by the people executing getpw and processes that run getpw.

These passwords will only be as secure as the filesystem and permissions that it is using. This is much like the old /etc/password file in this regard except that it will most likly be owned by something other than root. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It can be debated all day on the right way to do scripted/batch password lookups. I will never say that this method is the best. It just serves the purpose I have. I'm comfortable relying on security of the filesystem for what I use this for. The basic assumption is that you know how to use file permissions and that the system you install this on is properly secured at the OS level.


The team at my prior employer who helped come up with many ideas for this tool.

Brandon Zehm http://caspian.dotconf.net

  • Who I have patterned a lot of this code from.


-- It might be cool to also match passwords on name components.. like *.example.com or ptr[0-9].example.com...