
ONA module to give more detail about a host in several output formats

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a ONA plugin that enables a new dcm.pl command line module called host_detail. This module is similar to the built in module host_display except that it outputs much more information about a host and it can output it in several formats. Currently yaml and json are supported output formats. The intent is that this output is more suitable for programs to process and utilize.


Install as a standard plugin for ONA.

It uses json_encode or yaml_emit to format the output so the appropriate php functionality must be installed and available on your system for this to function.


Display detailed info about a host and it's interfaces

  Synopsis: host_detail [KEY=VALUE] ...

    host=FQDN|IP           FQDN or IP of host

    format=[yaml|json]     Output in yaml or json. Default: yaml