- 0
each() removed from PHP 8
#198 opened by chuhn - 0
UI issues with display_block_map
#197 opened by HugoTH85 - 2
Can't add subnet type and DHCP Failover Group
#196 opened by HugoTH85 - 1
when edit 'DHCP Entries' the DHCP Option changes
#195 opened by robfantini - 1
Can't add subnets
#187 opened by HugoTH85 - 3
Add does not work at Device Model and Device Type
#191 opened by robfantini - 1
- 4
- 1
Bug when display hosts' shared IP
#186 opened by HugoTH85 - 0
- 3
- 2
LDAP groupfilter don't work as expected
#137 opened by chuhn - 1
Reverse-proxy issues
#182 opened by HugoTH85 - 9
LDAP authentication failed with 'Unknown User'
#179 opened by HugoTH85 - 0 uses with local user
#181 opened by HugoTH85 - 6
Can't create CNAME record
#178 opened by heppel - 4
- 0
- 1
Deprecated: Methods on PHP 7
#158 opened by norge-ice - 5
Admin user has no rights
#150 opened by dmgeurts - 2
DNS Server Entries Error with MariaDB >= 10.2
#161 opened by raabf - 4
Apache2 error on Ubuntu 21.10
#170 opened by OneTrueDash - 15
upgrade issue
#172 opened by robfantini - 8
Adding DHCP options doesn't worka (anymore?)
#159 opened by schoos76 - 0
build_bind ignores dns_views?
#169 opened by magheinz - 3
Split dns; internal A local record with rest of the domain resolved via global forward?
#163 opened by dmgeurts - 0
Build_dns creates unusable ptr records
#168 opened by Joe-Louis - 1
/etc/onabase: Permission denied
#167 opened by Joe-Louis - 2
Valid IPv6 subnet masks not allowed
#166 opened by gjlampard - 3
Extend lenght subnets name attribute
#132 opened by romano80 - 1
- 8
Fresh install fails (ubuntu 19.10)
#148 opened by dmgeurts - 2
Custom nmap_scan type
#152 opened by dmgeurts - 2
mysql 8 and table "groups"
#156 opened by norge-ice - 2
PHP Fatal error: Cannot unset $this
#157 opened by nkovacne - 8
NMAP_SCAN_CRON throwing error
#155 opened by mlfierro72 - 5
Support for Debian 10 (Buster)
#154 opened by heppel - 1
Address fields are USA only
#153 opened by dmgeurts - 2
ctime doesnt have default value
#151 opened by mattpascoe - 1
How to add DNS/DHCP?
#146 opened by TareqK - 3
- 1
- 2
Creating SQL users
#149 opened by dmgeurts - 1
More neutral user avatars?
#135 opened by chuhn - 4
php 7.2 sess_write() does not get called
#130 opened by daviddpd - 4
Initial configuration issue
#141 opened by nrietsch - 2
System Requirements
#145 opened by Uzzi - 2
Add support for DNS resource record type CAA
#147 opened by SyBernot - 1
Wildcard support
#144 opened by rouba002 - 2
problem with ona_sql queries
#142 opened by SyBernot