This project has been decommissioned and is no longer maintained. It presents policing-related data from OPD without appropriate context, which may result in viewers misunderstanding or mischaracterizing data in ways that potentially impact historically marginalized and oppressed groups, particularly communities of color. If you're interested in revising this project, please contact OpenOakland's Steering Committee at Let us know why you're interested and what you hope to accomplish. Consider using the Project Exploration Worksheet to realign this project with OpenOakland's mission and values.
As of July 1, 2021, OakCrime has been forked and is being maintained independently without the endorsement or support of OpenOakland at
Code supporting citizen analysis of crime in Oakland, CA
Primary bits involve:
importing data from Oakland Police Department (OPD), an early data set from Urban Strategies Council, and Alameda County
crimeCat: software defining and building an ontology of crime types useful with OPD data and perhaps beyond!
showCrime, a django site for visualization of historical crime data
stopData, visualization of discretionary stop data
We assume you already have these installed:
- Docker Compose v1.x
- Docker v18.x
- Make
- Postgres v10.x
- Python 3.6+
MacOS users: you'll find most of these tools in Homebrew.
The main project is the django application. Please follow the instructions in showCrime/README.
We're using CircleCI for continuous integration (CI). Continuous integration automatically tests that any new changes work correctly before they are fully integrated. This provides a faster feedback loop and helps prevent bugs or mistakes from getting caught late in development.
We use continuous delivery (CD) to automatically deploy our application. This reduces the risk of human error and makes sure the latest version of the application is deployed correctly.
Any commits to the master
branch are deployed automatically to AWS Elastic
Beanstalk courtesy of Open
Thank you for considering a contribution to our project! Please see on how the OakCrime team works and how you can contribute.