This module is to help programmers add coupon aliases in LemonStand. In its current incarnation it is of no use to an end user without a developer to integrate it.

Known issues

  • Adds duplicates of the shop module's actions to the action dropdown for Pages. I'm hoping to either find a fix or to wait until events/hooks are published to allow cleaner access at coupon codes.


You'll want to pull this repository into a folder named 'pscoupon' inside Lemonstand's modules directory.

After installing the module, you'll need to alter your cart_partial partial (or equivalent) and add some code on your Cart page (or equivalent).

  • In your cart_partial, the checkout button should send a request to 'PSCoupon:on_setCouponCode' rather than 'shop:on_setCouponCode'.

  • In your Cart page, add the following Pre Action code

      if ( filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'coupon' ) !== NULL ) {
        Cms_VisitorPreferences::set('coupon', post('coupon')); 
      $coupon_code = Cms_VisitorPreferences::get('coupon', post('coupon'));
      $_POST['coupon'] = PSCoupon_Module::filter_coupon_code($coupon_code);​
  1. In your Cart page, add the following Post Action code

     $this->data['coupon_code'] = PSCoupon_Module::reverse_filter_coupon_code($this->data['coupon_code']);


The core of this module is provided by the following function:

  $code_or_length = null, 
  $key = null, 
  $shop_coupon_id = null, 
  $order_status = 'paid', 
  $delete_on_use = false

It accepts the following parameters:

  • code_or_length => either a coupon alias you wish to use, or the length of an alphanumerical code to randomly generate
  • key => for added randomness when generating, if you have something unique to this customer (email address, for example) pass it here
  • shop_coupon_id => the id, code, or object of the Shop_Coupon object this aliases
  • order_status => the id, code, or object of the Shop_OrderStatus at which point this coupon should be marked as used. If you wish to mark the coupon as used as soon as the order is created, pass in numerical 0 (not a string).
  • delete_on_use => should the database record be purged once this coupon is used, or leave it for other purposes?

The method returns an stdClass object with the following properties:

  • id => self explanatory
  • code => the alias code
  • shop_order_id => id of the Shop_Order object this coupon is assigned to
  • shop_coupon_id => id of the Shop_Coupon object this coupon aliases
  • shop_order_status_id => id of the Shop_OrderStatus object that indicate when this alias should be marked as used
  • used => boolean (0/1) indicating whether or not this alias has been used
  • delete_on_use => boolean (0/1) indicating whether this alias should be deleted when it's marked as used