- 5
pyocr with latest Tesseract fails with pyocr.error.TesseractError: "Error, unknown command line argument '-psm'\n")
#99 opened by ddddavidmartin - 2
-psm tesseract parameter is deprecated
#101 opened by geniass - 7
- 1
tesseract4 error in detect orientation
#96 opened by simonm3 - 4
Problem allocate memory
#95 opened by SylvainBert - 1
- 2
- 15
- 5
File not found
#92 opened by tangb - 1
1 recognize 3 issue
#91 opened by xinyanliang - 5
- 3
Using libtesseract on Windows
#90 opened - 1
Test environment to make tests reproducable
#82 opened by jflesch - 0
Extract Individual Characters
#87 opened by ZoranPavlovic - 4
Potential bug: output of Tesseract (C-API) and Tesseract (sh) is different
#50 opened by mathiasimmer - 5
- 6
Confidence score
#58 opened by MathieuCliche - 2
- 2
- 4
Could we get a confidence value by each word?
#74 opened by gbc8181 - 1
preserve_interword_spaces in tesseract
#84 opened by anilnaik1988 - 2
The result is empty
#81 opened by wning13 - 1
- 3
I want use chinese char, but acc is low
#77 opened by dotsonliu - 3
Expose load_system_dawg for non textual ouput
#61 opened by awiebe - 16
- 4
No OCR tool found
#72 opened by AdnanMuhib - 1
Error opening chinese data file
#70 opened by bclyc - 15
- 5
Specify regions of text
#67 opened by MrXu - 9
Tesseract 4.0 alpha support
#60 opened by wanghaisheng - 7
Libtesseract: need stress-testing
#51 opened by jflesch - 2
Orientation detection failed on Tesseract (C-API)
#57 opened by lubo - 3
Tesseract segmentation mode with custom zone?
#59 opened by K-Niu - 7
Empty image detection
#64 opened by lubo - 2
Adding languages
#63 opened by singhketan - 1
Langs: can more languages be supported?
#56 opened by fangfangbest - 1
CharBoxBuilder not working
#55 opened by X-Wei - 1
There are two TesseractError
#54 opened by jflesch - 5
ImportError: No module named builders
#53 opened by kumarivin - 6
- 4
Builders : bad use of class attributes
#48 opened by bnguyenvanyen - 3
Tesseract not working.
#46 opened by soumik862003 - 6
- 3
AttibuteError: tobytes
#45 opened by toxic-0518 - 1
Leptonica causes unnecessary TesseractError
#39 opened by TeisD - 5
tesseract.detect_orientation returning wrong rotation direction after tesseract update
#35 opened by andyschmid - 3
ABBYY OCR support?
#36 opened by The-Compiler - 1
- 1