
Policy reader is a handy toolkit for users to easily understand the components of a regulatory document, policy or legislation file etc.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PolicyReader v1.2

Policy Reader is a handy toolkit for users to easily understand the components of a regulatory document. 😄

This project is issued by the Key Research Plan under the framework of Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing).

Getting Started

Try examples in ./src directory and run it. Before executing the codes, append your module path into sys.path with the root of PolicyReader:

import sys
import PolicyReader as pr

# Try demo:

# Try a random string:
demo_string = "经济综合实力跃上新台阶,地区生产总值、固定资产投资、规模以上工业总产值、金融机构存贷款余额等指标超过万亿元,预计2015年地区生产总值达到1.68万亿元,年均增长10.1%。经济结构调整步伐加快,千亿元产业增至10个,新兴产业加快成长,服务业增加值比重提高,农业农村发展态势良好,城镇化水平提升,“双核驱动、三区统筹”区域发展协调推进。"
doc = pr.read(demo_string)

# Try a piece of corpus:
doc = pr.read("path/to/PolicyReader/src/example_information_guangxi_135.txt")


In the next stage, semantic search will be added and also the front-end.

  • API services
  • Semantic tools