
A "batteries included" libuvc binding for Java.

Primary LanguageJava


Build Status

A "batteries included" libuvc binding for Java.

  • Runtime support by BridG.
  • API generated with JNAerator.
  • Bundled libusb and libuvc binaries, packaged by OpenPnP.

WARNING: This library is not yet released. It's mostly working but the libraries have not been bundled and there are still some unsolved bugs. Use at your own risk.



Originally generated using:

java -jar jnaerator/target/jnaerator-0.13-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar -library uvc /usr/local/include/libuvc/libuvc.h -o ../openpnp/libuvc4j -v -mode Maven -mavenGroupId org.openpnp -mavenArtifactId libuvc4j -package org.openpnp.libuvc4j


libuvc on Mac with Homebrew

Installing libuvc via brew results in a library that doesn't find manufacturer and product names. In addition, it is not configured with JPEG support by default. Installing it with brew install libuvc --HEAD --with-jpeg resolves these issues.