redis | redisjson modules | commands with dots ( ex: json.set )
x-077 opened this issue · 8 comments
I see that 2 PR are open for quite some time now to support dots redis modules ( like redisjson ), do you plan to merge one of them ?
Otherwise, if its supported already, could you explain how to proceed ?
would you please help add some test cases? @matth-c3
Hello @zhuizhuhaomeng ,
Im not sure to understand your comment, this one have already a test unit.
Never mind.
There are three PRs about this function.
We will choose the best one.
Hello @zhuizhuhaomeng ,
ok, do you know when we should expect it to be available ?
bonus question ( if I may ), do you plan to add AUTH
as asked (but never answered) here.
Is this available?
Can we use RedisJson module with lua-resty-redis
+1 for RedisJson
Hello @zhuizhuhaomeng , still no update ?
#211 this PR has been merged.