- 0
[Question] behavior of get_reused_items function
#284 opened by mohammad5305 - 2
- 2
- 9
Redis: timeout
#279 opened by liukaiyuliukaiyu - 4
[feature request] add ZRANDMEMBER command
#281 opened by 0xDEADFED5 - 4
Nginx 1.24
#264 opened by ericzielonka - 2
lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: /usr/local/openresty/lualib/resty/redis.lua:357: bad request
#270 opened by ZxyNull0 - 6
- 6
[Feature Request] Pipeline coroutine safety
#278 opened by StarlightIbuki - 0
- 0
Add the host:port to the error message
#274 opened by git-hulk - 1
opm package outdated
#259 opened by thorstenfleischmann - 1
no request found
#272 opened by ajayNegiCodes - 8
- 0
- 0
this support two-way authentication?
#262 opened by ZJfans - 1
redis set_keepalive doesn't work
#268 opened by ebony0319 - 2
lua tcp socket read timed out, context: ssl_certificate_by_lua*, client:, server:
#266 opened by pra-cloud - 5
- 2
how to set expire with openresty/
#221 opened by axiaoxin - 0
- 5
How to create a single redis connection
#261 opened by first-mine - 2
Connection pool not creating
#260 opened by first-mine - 2
redis:get(key) question
#257 opened by panjhgit - 0
#256 opened by s1lviu - 3
The performance of redis pipeline mode is unstable
#255 opened by fairyqb - 0
SSL not working
#254 opened by Bec-k - 0
- 1
How to connect redisDB with user id and password?
#250 opened by AaronZhangL - 2
- 2
lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: /usr/local/openresty/lualib/resty/redis.lua:158: bad request
#249 opened by navysummer - 2
`register_module_prefix` is documented with `.` but it must be called with `:`
#248 opened by LoganDark - 2
[Question] Difference between connect pool_size and set_keepalive pool_size
#247 opened by NicoAdrian - 14
- 2
How to use ltrim method for list
#243 opened by vaseniu - 1
Auth function need optional parameters username
#234 opened by kasora - 1
redis:dbsize({}) not initialized
#239 opened by getchu - 0
lua-redis unserialize question
#237 opened by handsameRay - 1
- 10
New connection taking ~10ms
#232 opened by nammehra - 1
Feature Proposal: Support for GETEX
#228 opened by fkluthe - 1
Clarification on instantiating resty.redis
#230 opened by TimUnderhay - 4
"warn: a client request body is buffered to a temporary file" happens when connect redis in access_by_lua_file
#229 opened by shiziwen - 2
- 2
Failed to connect with non zero database
#227 opened by leanghychhay - 1
- 1
why doesn't resty.redis work within the timer?
#225 opened by zcaudate - 3
smembers usage
#223 opened by oneslideicywater - 0
Poller for redis subscriber
#217 opened by Vishal183 - 3
Internal Server Error when connect via UNIX socket
#216 opened by sdmrnv