- 13
Refaster adds fully qualified reference to local variables in `@AfterTemplate`-lambdas → migration can't compile
#90 opened by Philzen - 1
- 3
- 1
- 4
Formatting in `@AfterTemplate` is ignored, leading to huge single-line statements after the migration
#92 opened by Philzen - 1
- 3
- 1
Additional cleanup for error-prone descriptions
#93 opened by Philzen - 2
Refaster style recipes cannot match types that require transitive dependencies to be loaded
#86 opened by sambsnyd - 3
Version 1.7.0 produces non-compilable code
#84 opened by Stephan202 - 12
- 4
Support `return Refaster.anyOf(...)`
#21 opened by timtebeek - 1
Limit `doAfterVisit(UnnecessaryParenthesesVisitor)` to `afterTemplate` `lstType`s that need it
#25 opened by timtebeek - 2
- 1
Recipe generation should invoke ShortenFullyQualifiedTypeReferences for recipe code itself
#74 opened by Bananeweizen - 1
- 10
Detect and skip unsupported templates
#5 opened by knutwannheden - 4
- 3
Test fails only in IntelliJ
#69 opened by Bananeweizen - 3
- 3
- 0
`IndexOutOfBoundsException` on `matcher.parameter(0)` when matching `str.getBytes(UTF_8).length`
#49 opened by timtebeek - 2
- 1
Continue work on AutoTemplate
#2 opened by timtebeek - 1
When before template parameter is used twice in after template, do not call method invocations such as `` twice
#27 opened by timtebeek - 1
Detect method calls beyond static imports for `UsesMethod` in `Precondition.check`
#26 opened by timtebeek - 0
- 0
Generate `UsesType` and `UsesMethod` to limit recipe execution and improve performance
#23 opened by timtebeek - 0
Support reuse of template method arguments
#15 opened by timtebeek - 0
Support templates defined in nested classes
#12 opened by timtebeek - 0
Support statically imported members
#7 opened by knutwannheden - 0