- 1
Update Neurodesk stratum0 to use DNS alias
#3778 opened by DrDaveD - 0
Xenon Project "duplicated"
#3375 opened by biozit - 8
- 3
Add entries for services migrated from GOC
#72 opened by matyasselmeci - 2
Add 'cms' project
#2868 opened by CannonLock - 3
Add KSU-Beocat-CE1 resource
#2888 opened by jasoncpatton - 4
Add new IGWN token issuer for LIGO VO
#2747 opened by duncanmmacleod - 0
Badly named Perfsonar topology resource groups
#897 opened by DrDaveD - 2
Clean up GOC resources
#63 opened by brianhlin - 0
Clean up FermiGrid resources
#64 opened by brianhlin - 0
Suggestions for osg-notify
#56 opened by DrDaveD - 0
Load service IDs from the YAML files
#48 opened by bbockelm - 9
Store all sources under src/ dir
#30 opened by brianhlin - 10
Filter VOs based on OASIS status
#16 opened by bbockelm - 11
Cleanup VO translation
#1 opened by bbockelm