Tekken 7 Frame Data

Project for "Publication numérique" course by Isaac Pante at UNIL in the spring of 2020.

What is Frame Data? A short introduction to frame data in Tekken 7

Frame Data is one of the many game mechanics one needs to master in order to understand and progress when playing fighting games. In any given game, frames can be seen as a measure of time. In a game like Tekken 7 that plays at 60 fps (frames per second), a frame is then equivalent to 1/60th of a second. Every attack, block and animation lasts an exact number of frames and that information is important if you want to understand which moves to use in a given context. Imagine both you and your opponent initiate an attack at the same time. You choose an attack that has 10 start up frames while your opponent chooses an attack with 20 start up frames. After 10 frames, you will be attacking while your opponent will be mid-animation and thus will be interrupted and hit by your attack. The game becomes even more complex when you take into account spacing, hit level, the fact that Tekken is 3D fighting game as well as the fact that modifiers like hitting or being blocked can change the frame data of your attack.

What is notation?

With a popular, cross-platform game like Tekken, it was necessary to find a notation that would be readable across all platforms and by all players. When trying to explain a combo to a friend that plays on a fightstick, saying "triangle, square, circle" would make very little sense. As such, the buttons were assigned numbers and the directions were assigned letters, as such:

Tekken notation

How to use?

Simply download the project and open "index.html" with your browser.

What is the point of this project?

This project aims to provide an easily searchable list of moves for characters in Tekken 7. The value of this project comes from the integrated search function that allows the player to search and filter moves by direction (f,d,b,u or any combination of these) or button (1,2,3,4 or any combination of these), a task that is not easily done by the in-browser search function of other websites. This is especially useful in situations where, for example, you are looking for a move initiated while moving forward. By typing "f" in the search function you will see a list of all moves initiated that way and will be able to choose the move that best fits your frame advantage or strategy.

Glossary and useful links

Understanding Tekken notation

Video explanation of notation

Reddit Beginner megathread

Beginner Guide playlist