Open Source REST API for named entity extraction, named entity linking, named entity disambiguation, recommendation & reconciliation of entities like persons, organizations and places for (semi)automatic semantic tagging & analysis of documents by linked data knowledge graph like SKOS thesaurus, RDF ontology, database(s) or list(s) of names
- alabargaExperimental Serendipity
- better629
- bobobo0826
- bradjonescaNew York
- breytenOpen State Foundation
- byronwwang
- davidfox-ap
- deepkl
- emu44
- ettorerizzaULB
- fpompermaierOkkam s.r.l.
- gkirilNEC Laboratories Europe
- gnfti
- grammy-jiangSydney NSW
- idealleyLausanne
- iradche@IPMITMO, @HSEtraining
- jgmizeTulsa, OK
- kangkot
- kazguchina
- kbalogStavanger, Norway
- lendenmc
- Mandalka@opensemanticsearch
- MineOgre
- MingYates
- mohit2494Gurgaon
- monstertony
- mwhtmg
- opensemanticsearch
- schorndorferNorthwestern University
- The-GuptaBosch
- tyjch
- vu3jej
- wkuUkraine
- yaeln
- yanajennChicagoland
- yunluxEarth