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Swagger API

Go Report Card License Apache


This repository provides a service that installs OpenShift. Its main benefits include a minimum amount of prerequisites from the user's infrastructure, as well as comprehensive pre-flight validations to ensure a successful installation. The service exposes either a REST API, or it can be deployed as an Operator where it exposes a Kubernetes-native API via Custom Resources. A UI is available that uses the REST API.

The Assisted Service can currently install clusters with highly-available control planes (3 hosts and above) and can also install Single-Node OpenShift (SNO). Highly available clusters are configured to use OpenShift's baremetal platform (typically used in bare metal IPI deployments), while SNO uses none (typically used in UPI deployments).

The basic flow for creating a new OpenShift cluster using the Assisted Service via the UI or REST API is:

  1. Create a new Cluster resource with the minimal required properties.
  2. Generate and download a bootable image which is customized for that cluster. This image is based on RHCOS and is customized to automatically run an agent upon boot.
  3. Boot the hosts that will form the cluster with the image from the previous step. The boot method is left to the user (e.g., USB drive, virtual media, PXE, etc.).
  4. The agent running on each host contacts the Assisted Service via REST API and performs discovery (sends hardware inventory and connectivity information).
  5. The UI guides the user through the installation, with the service performing validations along the way. Alternatively, this can be done via API.
  6. Once all validations pass, the user may initiate the installation. Progress may be viewed via the UI or API, and logs are made available for download directly from the service.

Demos and blog posts

Below are some recent demos and blog posts:


  1. Docker
  2. skipper https://github.com/stratoscale/skipper
  3. minikube (for tests)
  4. kubectl
  5. Python modules pip install waiting

First Setup

To push your build target to a Docker registry you first need to change the default target.

  1. Create a quay.io or Docker Hub account if you don't already have one. These instructions refer to quay.io, Docker Hub is similar.
  2. Create a repository called assisted-service.
  3. Make sure you have your ~/.docker/config.json file set up to point to your account. For quay.io, you can go to quay.io -> User Settings, and click "Generate Encrypted Password" under "Docker CLI Password".
  4. Login to quay.io using docker login quay.io.
  5. Export the SERVICE environment variable to your Docker registry, and pass a tag of your choice, e.g., "test":
export SERVICE=quay.io/<username>/assisted-service:<tag>

For the first build of the build container run:

skipper build assisted-service-build


skipper make all

Generate code after swagger changes

After every change in the API (swagger.yaml) the code should be generated and the build must pass.

skipper make generate-from-swagger



  • Run minikube on your system
  • Enable registry addon on your minikube
  • Set LOCAL_ASSISTED_ORG to point to your local registry address
export LOCAL_ASSISTED_ORG=localhost:5000
  • Deploy services skipper make deploy-test

Run system tests

skipper make test

Run system tests with regex

skipper make test FOCUS=versions

Run only unit tests

skipper make unit-test

Run unit tests for specific package

skipper make unit-test TEST=./internal/host

Run unit tests with regex

skipper make unit-test FOCUS=cluster

Update service for the subsystem tests

if you are making changes and don't want to deploy everything once again you can simply run this command:

skipper make patch-service 

It will build and push a new image of the service to your Docker registry, then delete the service pod from minikube, the deployment will handle the update and pull the new image to start the service again.

Update Discovery Image base OS

If you want to update the underlying operating system image used by the discovery iso, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the base os image you want to use

    1. RHCOS: https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/dependencies/rhcos/
    2. Fedora CoreOS: https://getfedora.org/en/coreos/download?tab=metal_virtualized&stream=stable
  2. Build the new iso generator image

    # Example with RHCOS
    BASE_OS_IMAGE=https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/dependencies/rhcos/pre-release/latest/rhcos-4.6.0-0.nightly-2020-08-26-093617-x86_64-live.x86_64.iso make build-assisted-iso-generator-image


Deploy to minikube

The deployment is a system deployment, it contains all the components the service need for all the operations to work (if implemented). S3 service (scality), DB and will use the image generator to create the images in the deployed S3 and create relevant bucket in S3.

skipper make deploy-all

Deploy to OpenShift

Besides default minikube deployment, the service supports deployment to OpenShift cluster using ingress as the access point to the service.

skipper make deploy-all TARGET=oc-ingress

This deployment option have multiple optional parameters that should be used in case you are not the Admin of the cluster:

  1. APPLY_NAMESPACE - True by default. Will try to deploy "assisted-installer" namespace, if you are not the Admin of the cluster or maybe you don't have permissions for this operation you may skip namespace deployment.
  2. INGRESS_DOMAIN - By default deployment script will try to get the domain prefix from OpenShift ingress controller. If you don't have access to it then you may specify the domain yourself. For example: apps.ocp.prod.psi.redhat.com

To set the parameters simply add them in the end of the command, for example:

skipper make deploy-all TARGET=oc-ingress APPLY_NAMESPACE=False INGRESS_DOMAIN=apps.ocp.prod.psi.redhat.com

Note: All deployment configurations are under the deploy directory in case more detailed configuration is required.

Deploy UI

This service supports optional UI deployment.

skipper make deploy-ui

* In case you are using podman run the above command without skipper.

For OpenShift users, look at the service deployment options on OpenShift platform.

Deploy Monitoring

Note: This target is only for development purpose.

This will allow you to deploy Prometheus and Grafana already integrated with Assisted installer:

  • On Minikube
# Step by step
make deploy-olm
make deploy-prometheus
make deploy-grafana

# Or just all-in
make deploy-monitoring
  • On Openshift
# Step by step
make deploy-prometheus TARGET=oc-ingress APPLY_NAMESPACE=false
make deploy-grafana TARGET=oc-ingress APPLY_NAMESPACE=false

# Or just all-in
make deploy-monitoring TARGET=oc-ingress APPLY_NAMESPACE=false

NOTE: To expose the monitoring UI's on your local environment you could follow these steps

kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace assisted-installer

# To expose Prometheus
kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-k8s 9090:9090

# To expose Grafana
kubectl port-forward svc/grafana 3000:3000

Now you just need to access to access to your Grafana deployment or for Prometheus.

Deploy by tag

This feature is for internal usage and not recommended to use by external users. This option will select the required tag that will be used for each dependency. If deploy-all use a new tag the update will be done automatically and there is no need to reboot/rollout any deployment.

Deploy images according to the manifest:

skipper make deploy-all DEPLOY_MANIFEST_PATH=./assisted-installer.yaml

Deploy images according to the manifest in the assisted-installer-deployment repo (require git tag/branch/hash):

skipper make deploy-all DEPLOY_MANIFEST_TAG=master

Deploy all the images with the same tag. The tag is not validated, so you need to make sure it actually exists.

skipper make deploy-all DEPLOY_TAG=<tag>

Default tag is latest

Deploy without a Kubernetes cluster

There are two ways the assisted service can be deployed without using a Kubernetes cluster:

Using a pod on your local host

In this scenario the service and associated components are deployed onto your local host as a pod using Podman.

export SERVICE=quay.io/<your-org>/assisted-service:latest

To deploy, update SERVICE_BASE_URL in the onprem-environment file to match the hostname or IP address of your host. For example if your IP address is, then the SERVICE_BASE_URL would be set to Port 8090 is the assisted-service API.

Then deploy the containers:

make deploy-onprem

Check all containers are up and running:

podman ps -a

The UI will available at: http://<host-ip-address>:8080

To remove the containers:

make clean-onprem

To run the subsystem tests:

make test-onprem

Using assisted-service Live-ISO

The assisted-service live ISO is a RHCOS live ISO that is customized with an ignition config file. The live ISO boots up and deploys the assisted-service using containers on host.

Using assisted-service Live-ISO


assisted-service maintains a cache of openshift-baremetal-install binaries at $WORK_DIR/installercache/. Persistent storage can optionally be mounted there to persist the cache across container restarts. However, that storage should not be shared across multiple assisted-service processes.

Cache Expiration

Currently there is no mechanism to expire openshift-baremetal-install binaries out of the cache. The recommendation for now is to allow the cache to use the container's own local storage that will vanish when the Pod gets replaced, for example during upgrade. That will prevent the cache from growing forever while allowing it to be effective most of the time.


A document that can assist troubleshooting: link


To rebuild the site after adding some documentation to the Markdown files, you just need to execute this Make target before the push

make docs

To validate the documentation generated, go to the root of the repo and execute

make docs_serve

After that, you just need to access to on your browser and check the new content.

NOTE: To use these features, you need to have mkdocs installed in your system, to do that you just need to execute this command pip3 install --user mkdocs

Linked repositories



Image in charge of generating the Fedora-coreOs image used to install the host with the relevant ignition file.
Image is uploaded to deployed S3 under the name template "installer-image-<cluster-id>".

Assisted Service on cloud.redhat.com

The Assisted Installer is also available for users as a SAAS hosted in cloud.redhat.com.

More information is available here: Assisted Installer on cloud.redhat.com

Setting a custom discovery ISO password

It's possible to modify the discovery ISO (via the API) to enable password login for troubleshooting purposes.

More information is available here: Set discovery ISO user password example