
MetalLB operator

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MetalLB Operator

This is a WIP implementaton of a MetalLB Operator, implementing the operator pattern for deploying MetalLB on a kubernetes cluster, as described in the related design proposal.

Note that this is still work in progress and not ready for production by any means


Need to install the following packages

  • operator-sdk 1.8.0+
  • controller-gen v0.7.0+
     go get sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools/cmd/controller-gen@v0.7.0

AddressPool Validation Webhook

When the AddressPool Validation Webhook is enabled a request to apply an AddressPool with an already defined IP range will be denied.


To install the MetalLB Operator using a prebuilt image, run:

make deploy

To install the MetalLB Operator using a prebuilt image and enable the AddressPool Validation Webhook, run:

make deploy-cert-manager

and then:

ENABLE_OPERATOR_WEBHOOK=true KUSTOMIZE_DEPLOY_DIR="config/webhook-with-certmanager/" make deploy


Once the MetalLB Operator is installed, you have to create a MetalLB custom resource to install MetalLB. The operator will consume this resource, and create all required MetalLB resources based on it. The MetalLB custom resource needs to be created inside the metallb-system namespace and be named metallb. Only one MetalLB resource can exist in a cluster.

Below you can find an example of a MetalLB resource definition:

apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: MetalLB
  name: metallb
  namespace: metallb-system

Setting up a development environment

Quick local installation

A quick, local installation can be done using a kind cluster using a local registry. Follow the steps below to run a locally built metallb-operator on kind.

To enable the AddressPool Validation Webhook set ENABLE_OPERATOR_WEBHOOK=true.

Install and run kind

Read more about kind here. Once kind is installed please execute the following commands to start a kind cluster:

kind create cluster
kind get kubeconfig > kubeconfig
export KUBECONFIG=kubeconfig

Build and deploy the operator

Follow the steps below to build and deploy the operator.

export built_image=<image-name> 
# For example: export built_image=metallb-operator

 make docker-build IMG=$built_image
kind load docker-image $built_image
IMG=$built_image KUSTOMIZE_DEPLOY_DIR="config/kind-ci/" make deploy

Alternatively the image can be pushed to

Building and deploying using a remote repo

To build and push an image run the following commands, specifying the prefered image repository and image:

make docker-build IMG=<your image>
make docker-push IMG=<your image>

For example:

make docker-build IMG=quay.io/example/metalllboperator
make docker-push IMG=quay.io/example/metalllboperator

Once the images are pushed to the repo, you can deploy MetalLB using your custom images by running:

make deploy IMG=<your image>

Create a MetalLB deployment

To create a MetalLB deployment, a MetalLB Operator configuration resource needs to be created. Run the following command to create it:

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: MetalLB
  name: metallb
  namespace: metallb-system

Create an Address Pool object

To create an address pool, an AddressPool resource needs to be created. An example of an AddressPool resource is shown below:

apiVersion: metallb.io/v1alpha1
kind: AddressPool
  name: addresspool-sample1
  namespace: metallb-system
  protocol: layer2

When the address pool is successfully added, it will be amended to the config ConfigMap used to configure MetalLB:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  config: |
    - name: addresspool-sample1
      protocol: layer2

Create a BGP Peer object

To create a BGP peer, a BGPPeer resource needs to be created. An example of a BGPPeer resource is shown below:

apiVersion: metallb.io/v1alpha1
kind: BGPPeer
  name: peer-sample1
  namespace: metallb-system
  peerASN: 64501
  myASN: 64500
  peerPort: 1
  holdTime: "180s"
  keepaliveTime: "180s"
  sourceAddress: ""
  password: "test"
  - matchExpressions:
    - key: kubernetes.io/hostname
      operator: In
      values: [hostA, hostB]

Sample MetalLB BGP configuration

apiVersion: metallb.io/v1alpha1
kind: AddressPool
  name: addresspool-bgp-sample
  namespace: metallb-system
  protocol: bgp
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1alpha1
kind: BGPPeer
  name: peer-sample
  namespace: metallb-system
  peerASN: 64501
  myASN: 64500

Running tests

To run metallb-operator unit tests (no cluster required), execute:

make test

To run metallb-operator e2e tests, execute:

make test-e2e

The e2e test need a running cluster with a MetalLB Operator running.


Most tasks in the project are automated using a Makefile. Please run make help to see the details.


The Operator assumes the same branching structure of MetalLB. Each minor version must have a corresponding branch where we tag releases out. Versioned branches must be pinned to specific metallb / operator images.

The current version of the images is bumped under hack/metallb_version.txt and under hack/operator_version.txt.

A convenience make bump_versions makefile rule will align the versions in the manifests to the content of those files.

Another makefile rule make fetch_metallb_version will update hack/metallb_version.txt with the highest tag of metallb.

In order to make a release, a tag must be done out of a release branch, pinning the relevant images.