
Playbooks/tasks to get Scale-ci working on ARO (OCP 3.11/3.10)

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Playbooks/tasks to setup scale-ci tests on OpenShift Azure

  1. Build cluster for OSA using openshift-azure
[user@fedora openshift-azure]$ cp env.example env
[user@fedora openshift-azure]$ vi env
[user@fedora openshift-azure]$ . ./env
[user@fedora openshift-azure]$ time ./hack/create.sh perf-test
  1. Configure this repo
[user@fedora scale-ci-azure]$ cp vars/install.yml vars/install.local.yml
[user@fedora scale-ci-azure]$ vi vars/install.local.yml

A copy is made of the vars/install.yml with the name vars/install.local.yml such that private information can be changed to install vars without pushing into git.

  1. Create inventory file:
[user@fedora scale-ci-azure]$ time ansible-playbook -i 'localhost,' inventory.yml -e 'rg=perf-test'
  1. Allow easy ssh access
[user@fedora scale-ci-azure]$ time ansible-playbook --forks 20 -i inventory ssh.yml
  1. Install tooling:
[user@fedora scale-ci-azure]$ time ansible-playbook --forks 20 -i inventory install.yml