
Machine API implementation for oVirt

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION



Implementation of the oVirt provider for the [cluster-api project] version v1beta
using openshift/cluster-api-provider api, which implements the machine actuator.


Fast development cycle is to build the binarties, manager and machine-controller-manager
and run those against a running cluster kubeconfig.


The following make targets are provided:

# build the binary
make build  

# build the image
make images

Code Generation

On any changes in the specification, run

make generate

to automatically generate the new CustomResourceDefinitions for oVirt.


Run all tests together via

make test

Unit Testing

Unit tests are marked with the build tag

//go:build unit

and can be run via

make test-unit

Functional Testing

Functional (or integration) tests for the cluster-api-provider-ovirt are based on [envtest] instead of a real cluser. For more information, refer to The Cluster API Book on integration tests.

The necessary tooling can be fetched and installed via

sh ./hack/envtest-tools.sh && fetch_tools && setup_env

Functional (or integration) tests are marked with the build tag

//go:build functional

and can be run via

make test-functional

Testing on OpenShift cluster

In contrast to local unit testing and functional testing, building and deploying the changed cluster-api-provider-ovirt to a running OpenShift cluster helps manually verifying the expected behavior of the component end to end.

For detailed instructions on how to exchange the predefined provider see ./docs/custom-capo.md.

Run the components locally

$ export KUBECONFIG=path/to/kubecofig

$  bin/manager &

$  bin/machine-controller-manager --namespace openshift-machine-api --metrics-addr=:8888 &