- 4
License Information Missing
#2263 opened by Rakshakp - 1
README link to fluentd component outdated
#2264 opened by pfeifferj - 6
docker images are not updated anymore
#2220 opened by chatziparaskewas - 0
Elasticsearch pods CrashLoop on cgroup v2
#2181 opened by m-yosefpor - 12
- 9
Issue deploying logging in 3.11
#2078 opened by DavidHuntt - 4
FluentD metrics connection refused
#2050 opened by ctolon22 - 3
Is OCP account required for building?
#2037 opened by hayarobi - 10
Fluentd to external Elasticsearch stops sending logs
#2033 opened by DavidHuntt - 5
Strings that contain numbers do not match number strings for which they are a substring
#2034 opened by bdurrow - 7
authorization for kibana under OKD 4.x
#2007 opened by aneagoe - 4
MEGE_JSON_LOG Deprecated
#2001 opened by mtalalanwaribm - 7
OCP 3.11 - How can we grant non-cluster-admin-users access to index pattern project.*
#1984 opened by MastanaGuru - 5
hack/ script doesn't collect connectivity data for fluentd pods
#1964 opened by cpassare - 7
fluentd - lz4 compression support
#1919 opened by johnny-b2 - 3
- 4
Question: forwarding to remote syslog without using ES
#1857 opened by Omer-N - 6
Allow buffer config options for fluentd remote syslog
#1655 opened by blofroth - 7
Compatibility of hack scripts with MacOS
#1729 opened by lukas-vlcek - 4
logging-fluentd Crashloopbackoff
#2022 opened by DavidHuntt - 3
ES Operator redeploying logging ES at least twice a day and creating new PVCs as a result.
#1963 opened by nnachefski - 2
missing input-pre-audit-log.conf and filter-pre-a-audit-exclude.conf in configs.d
#1865 opened by pk-vungle - 1
name_type of elasticsearch_index_name
#1997 opened by AltugYildirim - 4
- 1
Filtering logs based on its level - do not send DEBUG logs to Elasticsearch
#1990 opened by marcelobp - 1
- 2
Elastic index configuration using type static with fluent-plugin-viaq plugin failing with ERROR
#1957 opened by abu-2020-ghub - 4
- 1
[object Object]: [security_exception] no permissions for [indices:data/read/field_caps] and User [name=CN=system.logging.kibana,OU=OpenShift,O=Logging, roles=[]]
#1935 opened by shiprajain14 - 1
Customizing index_name when using multiple Clusters sharing same ELK instance
#1929 opened by uselessidbr - 3
Custom logging configuration not working in OKD3.11 - no patterns matched tag="test.cycle"
#1812 opened by imranrazakhan - 13
origin-logging-fluentd:v3.11.0 broken
#1823 opened by aneagoe - 3
logging-fluentd pod CrashLoopBackOff
#1825 opened by garrotemar - 7
- 7
Logging - posibility of losing logs
#1618 opened by jacob-faber - 3
How to Configure Fluentd to collect logs from non-cluster application to OKD 3.11 cluster
#1810 opened by imranrazakhan - 9
Intermittent failure to collect logs through EFK
#1740 opened by benscottub - 9
0010-seed-acl _always_ seeds acls
#1760 opened by scne59 - 1
Utility fluent sanitizer
#1803 opened by v4mpir0ck - 0
#1805 opened by huehnervater - 2
Failed deploy with didn't match node selector
#1613 opened by jukito - 3
When does the ES Image Tag v3.11 on Docker hub gets updated with the latest changes
#1724 opened by normanschlatter - 4
Curator job fails for hard coded jobs
#1608 opened by himmatb - 7
Elasticsearch fails to start on origin 3.11 cluster
#1687 opened by benscottub - 1
fluentd send to external elk
#1693 opened by ayapsone - 3
Missing '@' in front of kubernetes_metadata plugin in 3.11
#1709 opened by dmilde - 9
- 9
- 2
- 1
dynamic target_index_key
#1647 opened by Zephery