
OpenSHMEM micro bencmark

Primary LanguageCBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

SHOMS: The OpenSHMEM micro benchmarking suite.

This intent of this benchmarking suite is to test the functions defined
in the OpenSHMEM spec (currently 1.1) for speed. What this benchmark
does not do is test correctness or reliability.


If building using an OpenSHMEM style build system with oshcc no changes
are needed. Just type 'make -j 5' and all of the sources will be assembled
into bin/shoms. Tweaking CFLAGS is likely an exercise in futility since
this is a network benchmark rather than a code benchmark. If working with
a different build systemm (e.g. Cray) then change the OSHCC variable
to the compiler that is used to build OpenSHMEM code (e.g. OSHCC=cc on
ORNL's Titan).


For all tests, SHOMS runs N iterations of M sized messages for each tested
function. The number of iterations is automatically derived based on
the size of the message. For point to point functions (e.g. shmem_put()
shmem_get()) Node 0 will send an M sized messages to nodes 1-X in each
iteration. For collective functions node 0 will be the root and all nodes
will participate in the collective with M sized data on each node. For
functions where the end result is not to transmit data (shmem_barrier())
then shoms will still doo N iterations for each size listed and will
record latencies, but not bandwidth.

Use your favorite launcher to start the job. Helpful flags to shoms are described below:
--off_cache: Shifts the data in the symetric heap in an effort to disable the effects of caches on the CPU.
--warmup:    Do N/10 untimed iterations before doing N iterations in the main loop. Warms up hardware/caches.
--msglen:    Points to a file with a set of message lengths. Put one number per line in the file and it will use N bytes per message for each line in the file.
--minsize:   Starts tests a N bytes. Scales up by N*2 bytes on each iteration until it goes above maxsize. Default minsize is 8.
--maxsize:   Ends when N*2 is greater than maxsize. Default maxsize is 16777216
--time:      Soft limit of N seconds for each iteration. This will not interrupt network operations.
--output:    File to write results to. Default stdout. Will truncate existing files.
--input:     File that lists tests to perform. By default SHOMS will run all tests available. List one test per line.
--affinity:  Run affinity test mode. Described below

Affinity tests:

SHOMS can run its tests across different cores across two nodes. This
can be helpful to see if a particular core will be favored in terms of
OpenSHMEM performance. This will take a very long time if your node has
a lot of cores. By default it uses a subset of tests including all of
the int point to point routines and shmalloc/shfree/shmem_barrier_all().