
The new SKOPE web portal interface.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This repository and UI for SKOPE web services has been deprecated in favor of a new version developed at https://github.com/openskope/skopeui

To develop the app locally

Checkout this repo instead: https://github.com/openskope/skope-development, and follow the instructions in its readme.

To deploy the app

  • Automated building is setup at https://hub.docker.com/r/openskope/webapp/.

  • But if you need to manually build:

    • Run:

      bash build.manual.sh

      to build the Docker image. The new image will have tag openskope/web-app:<TAG>.

    • If you are on the master branch, TAG is the version inside meteor-app/package.json.

    • Otherwise, TAG will be the combination of the branch name and commit hash.

      See build.manual.sh for details.

    • You can also specify a custom tag with:

      TAG=x.y.z bash build.manual.sh
    • If needed, run:

      docker push openskope/web-app:<TAG>

      to push the new image to DockerHub.

  • Head to the server, pull the image from DockerHub and run.

    Here's an example of the run configuration:

    docker pull $repo:$TAG
    docker rm -f $container_name
    docker run --detach \
            --restart always \
            --name $container_name \
            --network=apps-bridge \
            -v /path/to/custom/config.json:/usr/share/meteor-app/app-settings.json
            --env MONGO_URL="mongodb://mongodb/$container_name" \
            --env PORT=3000 \
            --publish $host_port:3000 \
            --env ROOT_URL="$root_url" \

    You'll want to use a custom settings file. See meteor-app.settings.default.json in the root directory to learn about the configurable options.