
Brings the power of Doctrine2 to Laravel 5

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NB: You are advised to use this project from here on in: http://laraveldoctrine.org/

Doctrine2Bridge for Laravel 5

Adds the power of Doctrine2 to Laraval 5 (including authentication and SQL query logging support).

For Laravel4, see opensolutions/doctrine2bridge

Laravel's Eloquent ORM is nice for rapid development and the active model pattern. However there's little out there that can beat Doctrine2 when you need a more full-featured ORM.

This is an integration of Doctrine 2.x to Laravel 5.x as a composer package. Doctrine's EntityManager instance is accessible through a facade named D2EM and the cache is directly available via D2Cache.

Metadata is currently obtained via the XML driver. It should be easy to add additional drivers to this.

Authentication support is also included via a Auth/Doctrine2UserProvider class. Documentation on integrating this with Laravel's own authentication system can be found here.


Installation is the usual for Laravel packages. You can find a detailed worked version of how to install and test in the wiki.

Insert the following in the packages (require) section of your composer.json file and run an update (composer update):

"opensolutions/doctrine2bridge-l5": "2.4.*",

Generally speaking, we'll try and match our minor versions (2.4.x) with Doctrine's but you should always use the latest x version of this.

Add the service providers to your Laravel application in app/config/app.php. In the 'providers' array add:


You'll need to publish and edit the configuration files:

./artisan vendor:publish --provider "Doctrine2Bridge\Doctrine2CacheBridgeServiceProvider"
./artisan vendor:publish --provider "Doctrine2Bridge\Doctrine2BridgeServiceProvider"

This should get you a fresh copy of the configuration files (d2bcache.php and db2doctrine.php) in the configs directory.

Now, edit these as well as setting Laravel5's own cache.php and database.php appropriately.

The default directory for Doctrine2's xml schema is database/xml. This can be configured in config/d2bdoctrine.php.

Documentation on integrating this with Laravel's own authentication system can be found here.


Four bindings are created which can be injected via Laravel's IoC in the standard manner:

  • Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface (which is an instance of Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager)
  • Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache (which is an instance of the appropriate cache provider)
  • Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory (used in this package by the console generator commands)
  • Doctrine2Bridge\Support\Repository (used by the D2R facade, see below)

Three facades are provided - for the Doctrine2 cache, the entity manager and a convenience repository generator. These can be used as follows:

D2Cache::save( $key, $value );
D2Cache::fetch( $key );

D2EM::persist( $object );
$users = D2EM::getRepository( 'Entities\User' )->findAll();

Typically we'd create and use a repository as follows:

$sample = D2EM::getRepository( '\Entities\SampleEntity' )->find(5);

Assuming d2bdoctrine.namespaces.models => 'Entities', then we can use the D2R facade in any of the following ways to achieve the same result:

$sample = D2R::r( 'SampleEntity' )->find(5);
$sample = D2R::r( 'Entities\SampleEntity' )->find(5);
$sample = D2R::r( 'SampleEntity', 'Entities' )->find(5);

More Detailed Usage

The configuration file by default expects to find XML schema definitions under database/xml. Let's say for example we have a single schema file called database/xml/Entities.SampleEntity.dcm.xml containing:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<doctrine-mapping xmlns="http://doctrine-project.org/schemas/orm/doctrine-mapping" xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" schemaLocation="http://doctrine-project.org/schemas/orm/doctrine-mapping.xsd">
    <entity name="Entities\SampleEntity" repository-class="Repositories\Sample">
        <id name="id" type="integer">
            <generator strategy="AUTO"/>
        <field name="name" type="string" length="255" nullable="true"/>

Assuming you've configured your database connection parameters in the config file and you're positioned in the base directory of your project, we can create the entities, proxies and repositories with:

./artisan d2b:generate:entities
./artisan d2b:generate:proxies
./artisan d2b:generate:repositories

There is also a handy shortcut for this:

./artisan d2b:generate:all

Read the output of these commands as they may need to be run twice.

We also bundle a full Doctrine2 CLI utilty so the above could also be done via:

./vendor/bin/d2b-doctrine2 orm:generate-entities database/
./vendor/bin/d2b-doctrine2 orm:generate-proxies
./vendor/bin/d2b-doctrine2 orm:generate-repositories database/

You can also (drop) and create the database with:

./artisan d2b:schema:drop --commit
./artisan d2b:schema:create --commit

And you can update and validate via:

./artisan d2b:schema:update --commit
./artisan d2b:schema:validate

Now you can add some data to the database:

$se = new Entities\SampleEntity;
$se->setName( rand( 0, 100 ) );
D2EM::persist( $se );

And query it:

echo count( D2EM::getRepository( 'Entities\SampleEntity' )->findAll() );

I use the excellent Skipper to create and manage my XML schema files.

Convenience Function for Repositories

SQL Query Logging

This package includes an implementation of Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\SQLLlogger which times the queries and calls the Laravel Log facade to log the query execution times and the SQL queries.

This logger can be enabled in the configuration file.

## License

Like the Laravel framework itself, this project is open-sourced under the MIT license.


Based on my original package opensolutions/doctrine2bridge for Laravel4. Some additional inspiration when porting to Laravel5 from mitchellvanw/laravel-doctrine.