
Tracking the Latest Arxiv Papers

ID: 1
Title: Semi Supervised Meta Learning for Spatiotemporal Learning
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.01916
Abstract: We approached the goal of applying meta-learning to self-supervised masked autoencoders for spatiotemporal learning in three steps. Broadly, we seek to understand the impact of applying meta-learning to existing state-of-the-art representation learning architectures. Thus, we test spatiotemporal learning through: a meta-learning architecture only, a representation learning architecture only, and an architecture applying representation learning alongside a meta learning architecture. We utilize the Memory Augmented Neural Network (MANN) architecture to apply meta-learning to our framework. Specifically, we first experiment with applying a pre-trained MAE and fine-tuning on our small-scale spatiotemporal dataset for video reconstruction tasks. Next, we experiment with training an MAE encoder and applying a classification head for action classification tasks. Finally, we experiment with applying a pre-trained MAE and fine-tune with MANN backbone for action classification tasks.

ID: 2
Title: A Transformer-based Prediction Method for Depth of Anesthesia During Target-controlled Infusion of Propofol and Remifentanil
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.01929
Abstract: Accurately predicting anesthetic effects is essential for target-controlled infusion systems. The traditional (PK-PD) models for Bispectral index (BIS) prediction require manual selection of model parameters, which can be challenging in clinical settings. Recently proposed deep learning methods can only capture general trends and may not predict abrupt changes in BIS. To address these issues, we propose a transformer-based method for predicting the depth of anesthesia (DOA) using drug infusions of propofol and remifentanil. Our method employs long short-term memory (LSTM) and gate residual network (GRN) networks to improve the efficiency of feature fusion and applies an attention mechanism to discover the interactions between the drugs. We also use label distribution smoothing and reweighting losses to address data imbalance. Experimental results show that our proposed method outperforms traditional PK-PD models and previous deep learning methods, effectively predicting anesthetic depth under sudden and deep anesthesia conditions.

ID: 3
Title: Training Data Protection with Compositional Diffusion Models
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.01937
Abstract: We introduce Compartmentalized Diffusion Models (CDM), a method to train different diffusion models (or prompts) on distinct data sources and arbitrarily compose them at inference time. The individual models can be trained in isolation, at different times, and on different distributions and domains and can be later composed to achieve performance comparable to a paragon model trained on all data simultaneously. Furthermore, each model only contains information about the subset of the data it was exposed to during training, enabling several forms of training data protection. In particular, CDMs are the first method to enable both selective forgetting and continual learning for large-scale diffusion models, as well as allowing serving customized models based on the user's access rights. CDMs also allow determining the importance of a subset of the data in generating particular samples.

ID: 4
Title: A Multidimensional Analysis of Social Biases in Vision Transformers
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.01948
Abstract: The embedding spaces of image models have been shown to encode a range of social biases such as racism and sexism. Here, we investigate specific factors that contribute to the emergence of these biases in Vision Transformers (ViT). Therefore, we measure the impact of training data, model architecture, and training objectives on social biases in the learned representations of ViTs. Our findings indicate that counterfactual augmentation training using diffusion-based image editing can mitigate biases, but does not eliminate them. Moreover, we find that larger models are less biased than smaller models, and that models trained using discriminative objectives are less biased than those trained using generative objectives. In addition, we observe inconsistencies in the learned social biases. To our surprise, ViTs can exhibit opposite biases when trained on the same data set using different self-supervised objectives. Our findings give insights into the factors that contribute to the emergence of social biases and suggests that we could achieve substantial fairness improvements based on model design choices.

ID: 5
Title: DCTM: Dilated Convolutional Transformer Model for Multimodal Engagement Estimation in Conversation
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.01966
Abstract: Conversational engagement estimation is posed as a regression problem, entailing the identification of the favorable attention and involvement of the participants in the conversation. This task arises as a crucial pursuit to gain insights into human's interaction dynamics and behavior patterns within a conversation. In this research, we introduce a dilated convolutional Transformer for modeling and estimating human engagement in the MULTIMEDIATE 2023 competition. Our proposed system surpasses the baseline models, exhibiting a noteworthy $7$% improvement on test set and $4$% on validation set. Moreover, we employ different modality fusion mechanism and show that for this type of data, a simple concatenated method with self-attention fusion gains the best performance.

ID: 6
Title: Bengali Fake Reviews: A Benchmark Dataset and Detection System
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.01987
Abstract: The proliferation of fake reviews on various online platforms has created a major concern for both consumers and businesses. Such reviews can deceive customers and cause damage to the reputation of products or services, making it crucial to identify them. Although the detection of fake reviews has been extensively studied in English language, detecting fake reviews in non-English languages such as Bengali is still a relatively unexplored research area. This paper introduces the Bengali Fake Review Detection (BFRD) dataset, the first publicly available dataset for identifying fake reviews in Bengali. The dataset consists of 7710 non-fake and 1339 fake food-related reviews collected from social media posts. To convert non-Bengali words in a review, a unique pipeline has been proposed that translates English words to their corresponding Bengali meaning and also back transliterates Romanized Bengali to Bengali. We have conducted rigorous experimentation using multiple deep learning and pre-trained transformer language models to develop a reliable detection system. Finally, we propose a weighted ensemble model that combines four pre-trained transformers: BanglaBERT, BanglaBERT Base, BanglaBERT Large, and BanglaBERT Generator . According to the experiment results, the proposed ensemble model obtained a weighted F1-score of 0.9843 on 13390 reviews, including 1339 actual fake reviews and 5356 augmented fake reviews generated with the nlpaug library. The remaining 6695 reviews were randomly selected from the 7710 non-fake instances. The model achieved a 0.9558 weighted F1-score when the fake reviews were augmented using the bnaug library.

ID: 7
Title: On the Transition from Neural Representation to Symbolic Knowledge
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02000
Abstract: Bridging the huge disparity between neural and symbolic representation can potentially enable the incorporation of symbolic thinking into neural networks from essence. Motivated by how human gradually builds complex symbolic representation from the prototype symbols that are learned through perception and environmental interactions. We propose a Neural-Symbolic Transitional Dictionary Learning (TDL) framework that employs an EM algorithm to learn a transitional representation of data that compresses high-dimension information of visual parts of an input into a set of tensors as neural variables and discover the implicit predicate structure in a self-supervised way. We implement the framework with a diffusion model by regarding the decomposition of input as a cooperative game, then learn predicates by prototype clustering. We additionally use RL enabled by the Markovian of diffusion models to further tune the learned prototypes by incorporating subjective factors. Extensive experiments on 3 abstract compositional visual objects datasets that require the model to segment parts without any visual features like texture, color, or shadows apart from shape and 3 neural/symbolic downstream tasks demonstrate the learned representation enables interpretable decomposition of visual input and smooth adaption to downstream tasks which are not available by existing methods.

ID: 8
Title: Perceptions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Artificial Intelligence Impact on Society
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02030
Abstract: The Fourth Industrial Revolution, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI), has had a profound impact on society, raising concerns about its implications and ethical considerations. The emergence of text generative AI tools like ChatGPT has further intensified concerns regarding ethics, security, privacy, and copyright. This study aims to examine the perceptions of individuals in different information flow categorizations toward AI. The results reveal key themes in participant-supplied definitions of AI and the fourth industrial revolution, emphasizing the replication of human intelligence, machine learning, automation, and the integration of digital technologies. Participants expressed concerns about job replacement, privacy invasion, and inaccurate information provided by AI. However, they also recognized the benefits of AI, such as solving complex problems and increasing convenience. Views on government involvement in shaping the fourth industrial revolution varied, with some advocating for strict regulations and others favoring support and development. The anticipated changes brought by the fourth industrial revolution include automation, potential job impacts, increased social disconnect, and reliance on technology. Understanding these perceptions is crucial for effectively managing the challenges and opportunities associated with AI in the evolving digital landscape.

ID: 9
Title: CLGT: A Graph Transformer for Student Performance Prediction in Collaborative Learning
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02038
Abstract: Modeling and predicting the performance of students in collaborative learning paradigms is an important task. Most of the research presented in literature regarding collaborative learning focuses on the discussion forums and social learning networks. There are only a few works that investigate how students interact with each other in team projects and how such interactions affect their academic performance. In order to bridge this gap, we choose a software engineering course as the study subject. The students who participate in a software engineering course are required to team up and complete a software project together. In this work, we construct an interaction graph based on the activities of students grouped in various teams. Based on this student interaction graph, we present an extended graph transformer framework for collaborative learning (CLGT) for evaluating and predicting the performance of students. Moreover, the proposed CLGT contains an interpretation module that explains the prediction results and visualizes the student interaction patterns. The experimental results confirm that the proposed CLGT outperforms the baseline models in terms of performing predictions based on the real-world datasets. Moreover, the proposed CLGT differentiates the students with poor performance in the collaborative learning paradigm and gives teachers early warnings, so that appropriate assistance can be provided.

ID: 10
Title: Artificial Intelligence in archival and historical scholarship workflow: HTS and ChatGPT
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02044
Abstract: This article examines the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the archival heritage digitization processes, specifically regarding the manuscripts' automatic transcription, their correction, and normalization. It highlights how digitality has compelled scholars to redefine Archive and History field and has facilitated the accessibility of analogue sources through digitization and integration into big data. The study focuses on two AI systems, namely Transkribus and ChatGPT, which enable efficient analysis and transcription of digitized sources. The article presents a test of ChatGPT, which was utilized to normalize the text of 366 letters stored in the Correspondence section of the Biscari Archive (Catania). Although the AI exhibited some limitations that resulted in inaccuracies, the corrected texts met expectations. Overall, the article concludes that digitization and AI can significantly enhance archival and historical research by allowing the analysis of vast amounts of data and the application of computational linguistic tools.

ID: 11
Title: The Role of ChatGPT in Democratizing Data Science: An Exploration of AI-facilitated Data Analysis in Telematics
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02045
Abstract: The realm of data science, once reserved for specialists, is undergoing a revolution with the rapid emergence of generative AI, particularly through tools like ChatGPT. This paper posits ChatGPT as a pivotal bridge, drastically lowering the steep learning curve traditionally associated with complex data analysis. By generating intuitive data narratives and offering real-time assistance, ChatGPT democratizes the field, enabling a wider audience to glean insights from intricate datasets. A notable illustration of this transformative potential is provided through the examination of a synthetically generated telematics dataset, wherein ChatGPT aids in distilling complex patterns and insights. However, the journey to democratization is not without its hurdles. The paper delves into challenges presented by such AI, from potential biases in analysis to ChatGPT's limited reasoning capabilities. While the promise of a democratized data science landscape beckons, it is imperative to approach this transition with caution, cognizance, and an ever-evolving understanding of the tool's capabilities and constraints.

ID: 12
Title: The Unequal Opportunities of Large Language Models: Revealing Demographic Bias through Job Recommendations
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02053
Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have seen widespread deployment in various real-world applications. Understanding these biases is crucial to comprehend the potential downstream consequences when using LLMs to make decisions, particularly for historically disadvantaged groups. In this work, we propose a simple method for analyzing and comparing demographic bias in LLMs, through the lens of job recommendations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by measuring intersectional biases within ChatGPT and LLaMA, two cutting-edge LLMs. Our experiments primarily focus on uncovering gender identity and nationality bias; however, our method can be extended to examine biases associated with any intersection of demographic identities. We identify distinct biases in both models toward various demographic identities, such as both models consistently suggesting low-paying jobs for Mexican workers or preferring to recommend secretarial roles to women. Our study highlights the importance of measuring the bias of LLMs in downstream applications to understand the potential for harm and inequitable outcomes.

ID: 13
Title: Accurate Neural Network Pruning Requires Rethinking Sparse Optimization
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02060
Abstract: Obtaining versions of deep neural networks that are both highly-accurate and highly-sparse is one of the main challenges in the area of model compression, and several high-performance pruning techniques have been investigated by the community. Yet, much less is known about the interaction between sparsity and the standard stochastic optimization techniques used for training sparse networks, and most existing work uses standard dense schedules and hyperparameters for training sparse networks. In this work, we examine the impact of high sparsity on model training using the standard computer vision and natural language processing sparsity benchmarks. We begin by showing that using standard dense training recipes for sparse training is suboptimal, and results in under-training. We provide new approaches for mitigating this issue for both sparse pre-training of vision models (e.g. ResNet50/ImageNet) and sparse fine-tuning of language models (e.g. BERT/GLUE), achieving state-of-the-art results in both settings in the high-sparsity regime, and providing detailed analyses for the difficulty of sparse training in both scenarios. Our work sets a new threshold in terms of the accuracies that can be achieved under high sparsity, and should inspire further research into improving sparse model training, to reach higher accuracies under high sparsity, but also to do so efficiently.

ID: 14
Title: On the Biometric Capacity of Generative Face Models
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02065
Abstract: There has been tremendous progress in generating realistic faces with high fidelity over the past few years. Despite this progress, a crucial question remains unanswered: "Given a generative face model, how many unique identities can it generate?" In other words, what is the biometric capacity of the generative face model? A scientific basis for answering this question will benefit evaluating and comparing different generative face models and establish an upper bound on their scalability. This paper proposes a statistical approach to estimate the biometric capacity of generated face images in a hyperspherical feature space. We employ our approach on multiple generative models, including unconditional generators like StyleGAN, Latent Diffusion Model, and "Generated Photos," as well as DCFace, a class-conditional generator. We also estimate capacity w.r.t. demographic attributes such as gender and age. Our capacity estimates indicate that (a) under ArcFace representation at a false acceptance rate (FAR) of 0.1%, StyleGAN3 and DCFace have a capacity upper bound of $1.43\times10^6$ and $1.190\times10^4$, respectively; (b) the capacity reduces drastically as we lower the desired FAR with an estimate of $1.796\times10^4$ and $562$ at FAR of 1% and 10%, respectively, for StyleGAN3; (c) there is no discernible disparity in the capacity w.r.t gender; and (d) for some generative models, there is an appreciable disparity in the capacity w.r.t age. Code is available at https://github.com/human-analysis/capacity-generative-face-models.

ID: 15
Title: VQGraph: Graph Vector-Quantization for Bridging GNNs and MLPs
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02117
Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) conduct message passing which aggregates local neighbors to update node representations. Such message passing leads to scalability issues in practical latency-constrained applications. To address this issue, recent methods adopt knowledge distillation (KD) to learn computationally-efficient multi-layer perceptron (MLP) by mimicking the output of GNN. However, the existing GNN representation space may not be expressive enough for representing diverse local structures of the underlying graph, which limits the knowledge transfer from GNN to MLP. Here we present a novel framework VQGraph to learn a powerful graph representation space for bridging GNNs and MLPs. We adopt the encoder of a variant of a vector-quantized variational autoencoder (VQ-VAE) as a structure-aware graph tokenizer, which explicitly represents the nodes of diverse local structures as numerous discrete tokens and constitutes a meaningful codebook. Equipped with the learned codebook, we propose a new token-based distillation objective based on soft token assignments to sufficiently transfer the structural knowledge from GNN to MLP. Extensive experiments and analyses demonstrate the strong performance of VQGraph, where we achieve new state-of-the-art performance on GNN-MLP distillation in both transductive and inductive settings across seven graph datasets. We show that VQGraph with better performance infers faster than GNNs by 828x, and also achieves accuracy improvement over GNNs and stand-alone MLPs by 3.90% and 28.05% on average, respectively. Code: https://github.com/YangLing0818/VQGraph.

ID: 16
Title: ParaFuzz: An Interpretability-Driven Technique for Detecting Poisoned Samples in NLP
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02122
Abstract: Backdoor attacks have emerged as a prominent threat to natural language processing (NLP) models, where the presence of specific triggers in the input can lead poisoned models to misclassify these inputs to predetermined target classes. Current detection mechanisms are limited by their inability to address more covert backdoor strategies, such as style-based attacks. In this work, we propose an innovative test-time poisoned sample detection framework that hinges on the interpretability of model predictions, grounded in the semantic meaning of inputs. We contend that triggers (e.g., infrequent words) are not supposed to fundamentally alter the underlying semantic meanings of poisoned samples as they want to stay stealthy. Based on this observation, we hypothesize that while the model's predictions for paraphrased clean samples should remain stable, predictions for poisoned samples should revert to their true labels upon the mutations applied to triggers during the paraphrasing process. We employ ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art large language model, as our paraphraser and formulate the trigger-removal task as a prompt engineering problem. We adopt fuzzing, a technique commonly used for unearthing software vulnerabilities, to discover optimal paraphrase prompts that can effectively eliminate triggers while concurrently maintaining input semantics. Experiments on 4 types of backdoor attacks, including the subtle style backdoors, and 4 distinct datasets demonstrate that our approach surpasses baseline methods, including STRIP, RAP, and ONION, in precision and recall.

ID: 17
Title: Semantics-guided Transformer-based Sensor Fusion for Improved Waypoint Prediction
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02126
Abstract: Sensor fusion approaches for intelligent self-driving agents remain key to driving scene understanding given visual global contexts acquired from input sensors. Specifically, for the local waypoint prediction task, single-modality networks are still limited by strong dependency on the sensitivity of the input sensor, and thus recent works promote the use of multiple sensors in fusion in feature level. While it is well known that multiple data modalities promote mutual contextual exchange, deployment to practical driving scenarios requires global 3D scene understanding in real-time with minimal computations, thus placing greater significance on training strategies given a limited number of practically usable sensors. In this light, we exploit carefully selected auxiliary tasks that are highly correlated with the target task of interest (e.g., traffic light recognition and semantic segmentation) by fusing auxiliary task features and also using auxiliary heads for waypoint prediction based on imitation learning. Our multi-task feature fusion augments and improves the base network, TransFuser, by significant margins for safer and more complete road navigation in CARLA simulator as validated on the Town05 Benchmark through extensive experiments.

ID: 18
Title: SDDM: Score-Decomposed Diffusion Models on Manifolds for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02154
Abstract: Recent score-based diffusion models (SBDMs) show promising results in unpaired image-to-image translation (I2I). However, existing methods, either energy-based or statistically-based, provide no explicit form of the interfered intermediate generative distributions. This work presents a new score-decomposed diffusion model (SDDM) on manifolds to explicitly optimize the tangled distributions during image generation. SDDM derives manifolds to make the distributions of adjacent time steps separable and decompose the score function or energy guidance into an image denoising" part and a content refinement" part. To refine the image in the same noise level, we equalize the refinement parts of the score function and energy guidance, which permits multi-objective optimization on the manifold. We also leverage the block adaptive instance normalization module to construct manifolds with lower dimensions but still concentrated with the perturbed reference image. SDDM outperforms existing SBDM-based methods with much fewer diffusion steps on several I2I benchmarks.

ID: 19
Title: Improved Order Analysis and Design of Exponential Integrator for Diffusion Models Sampling
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02157
Abstract: Efficient differential equation solvers have significantly reduced the sampling time of diffusion models (DMs) while retaining high sampling quality. Among these solvers, exponential integrators (EI) have gained prominence by demonstrating state-of-the-art performance. However, existing high-order EI-based sampling algorithms rely on degenerate EI solvers, resulting in inferior error bounds and reduced accuracy in contrast to the theoretically anticipated results under optimal settings. This situation makes the sampling quality extremely vulnerable to seemingly innocuous design choices such as timestep schedules. For example, an inefficient timestep scheduler might necessitate twice the number of steps to achieve a quality comparable to that obtained through carefully optimized timesteps. To address this issue, we reevaluate the design of high-order differential solvers for DMs. Through a thorough order analysis, we reveal that the degeneration of existing high-order EI solvers can be attributed to the absence of essential order conditions. By reformulating the differential equations in DMs and capitalizing on the theory of exponential integrators, we propose refined EI solvers that fulfill all the order conditions, which we designate as Refined Exponential Solver (RES). Utilizing these improved solvers, RES exhibits more favorable error bounds theoretically and achieves superior sampling efficiency and stability in practical applications. For instance, a simple switch from the single-step DPM-Solver++ to our order-satisfied RES solver when Number of Function Evaluations (NFE) $=9$, results in a reduction of numerical defects by $25.2%$ and FID improvement of $25.4%$ (16.77 vs 12.51) on a pre-trained ImageNet diffusion model.

ID: 20
Title: M2Former: Multi-Scale Patch Selection for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02161
Abstract: Recently, vision Transformers (ViTs) have been actively applied to fine-grained visual recognition (FGVR). ViT can effectively model the interdependencies between patch-divided object regions through an inherent self-attention mechanism. In addition, patch selection is used with ViT to remove redundant patch information and highlight the most discriminative object patches. However, existing ViT-based FGVR models are limited to single-scale processing, and their fixed receptive fields hinder representational richness and exacerbate vulnerability to scale variability. Therefore, we propose multi-scale patch selection (MSPS) to improve the multi-scale capabilities of existing ViT-based models. Specifically, MSPS selects salient patches of different scales at different stages of a multi-scale vision Transformer (MS-ViT). In addition, we introduce class token transfer (CTT) and multi-scale cross-attention (MSCA) to model cross-scale interactions between selected multi-scale patches and fully reflect them in model decisions. Compared to previous single-scale patch selection (SSPS), our proposed MSPS encourages richer object representations based on feature hierarchy and consistently improves performance from small-sized to large-sized objects. As a result, we propose M2Former, which outperforms CNN-/ViT-based models on several widely used FGVR benchmarks.

ID: 21
Title: Diffusion probabilistic models enhance variational autoencoder for crystal structure generative modeling
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02165
Abstract: The crystal diffusion variational autoencoder (CDVAE) is a machine learning model that leverages score matching to generate realistic crystal structures that preserve crystal symmetry. In this study, we leverage novel diffusion probabilistic (DP) models to denoise atomic coordinates rather than adopting the standard score matching approach in CDVAE. Our proposed DP-CDVAE model can reconstruct and generate crystal structures whose qualities are statistically comparable to those of the original CDVAE. Furthermore, notably, when comparing the carbon structures generated by the DP-CDVAE model with relaxed structures obtained from density functional theory calculations, we find that the DP-CDVAE generated structures are remarkably closer to their respective ground states. The energy differences between these structures and the true ground states are, on average, 68.1 meV/atom lower than those generated by the original CDVAE. This significant improvement in the energy accuracy highlights the effectiveness of the DP-CDVAE model in generating crystal structures that better represent their ground-state configurations.

ID: 22
Title: Transformer-Based Denoising of Mechanical Vibration Signals
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02166
Abstract: Mechanical vibration signal denoising is a pivotal task in various industrial applications, including system health monitoring and failure prediction. This paper introduces a novel deep learning transformer-based architecture specifically tailored for denoising mechanical vibration signals. The model leverages a Multi-Head Attention layer with 8 heads, processing input sequences of length 128, embedded into a 64-dimensional space. The architecture also incorporates Feed-Forward Neural Networks, Layer Normalization, and Residual Connections, resulting in enhanced recognition and extraction of essential features. Through a training process guided by the Mean Squared Error loss function and optimized using the Adam optimizer, the model demonstrates remarkable effectiveness in filtering out noise while preserving critical information related to mechanical vibrations. The specific design and choice of parameters offer a robust method adaptable to the complex nature of mechanical systems, with promising applications in industrial monitoring and maintenance. This work lays the groundwork for future exploration and optimization in the field of mechanical signal analysis and presents a significant step towards advanced and intelligent mechanical system diagnostics.

ID: 23
Title: Scene-aware Human Pose Generation using Transformer
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02177
Abstract: Affordance learning considers the interaction opportunities for an actor in the scene and thus has wide application in scene understanding and intelligent robotics. In this paper, we focus on contextual affordance learning, i.e., using affordance as context to generate a reasonable human pose in a scene. Existing scene-aware human pose generation methods could be divided into two categories depending on whether using pose templates. Our proposed method belongs to the template-based category, which benefits from the representative pose templates. Moreover, inspired by recent transformer-based methods, we associate each query embedding with a pose template, and use the interaction between query embeddings and scene feature map to effectively predict the scale and offsets for each pose template. In addition, we employ knowledge distillation to facilitate the offset learning given the predicted scale. Comprehensive experiments on Sitcom dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

ID: 24
Title: Scaling Clinical Trial Matching Using Large Language Models: A Case Study in Oncology
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02180
Abstract: Clinical trial matching is a key process in health delivery and discovery. In practice, it is plagued by overwhelming unstructured data and unscalable manual processing. In this paper, we conduct a systematic study on scaling clinical trial matching using large language models (LLMs), with oncology as the focus area. Our study is grounded in a clinical trial matching system currently in test deployment at a large U.S. health network. Initial findings are promising: out of box, cutting-edge LLMs, such as GPT-4, can already structure elaborate eligibility criteria of clinical trials and extract complex matching logic (e.g., nested AND/OR/NOT). While still far from perfect, LLMs substantially outperform prior strong baselines and may serve as a preliminary solution to help triage patient-trial candidates with humans in the loop. Our study also reveals a few significant growth areas for applying LLMs to end-to-end clinical trial matching, such as context limitation and accuracy, especially in structuring patient information from longitudinal medical records.

ID: 25
Title: ES-MVSNet: Efficient Framework for End-to-end Self-supervised Multi-View Stereo
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02191
Abstract: Compared to the multi-stage self-supervised multi-view stereo (MVS) method, the end-to-end (E2E) approach has received more attention due to its concise and efficient training pipeline. Recent E2E self-supervised MVS approaches have integrated third-party models (such as optical flow models, semantic segmentation models, NeRF models, etc.) to provide additional consistency constraints, which grows GPU memory consumption and complicates the model's structure and training pipeline. In this work, we propose an efficient framework for end-to-end self-supervised MVS, dubbed ES-MVSNet. To alleviate the high memory consumption of current E2E self-supervised MVS frameworks, we present a memory-efficient architecture that reduces memory usage by 43% without compromising model performance. Furthermore, with the novel design of asymmetric view selection policy and region-aware depth consistency, we achieve state-of-the-art performance among E2E self-supervised MVS methods, without relying on third-party models for additional consistency signals. Extensive experiments on DTU and Tanks&Temples benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed ES-MVSNet approach achieves state-of-the-art performance among E2E self-supervised MVS methods and competitive performance to many supervised and multi-stage self-supervised methods.

ID: 26
Title: Explaining Relation Classification Models with Semantic Extents
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02193
Abstract: In recent years, the development of large pretrained language models, such as BERT and GPT, significantly improved information extraction systems on various tasks, including relation classification. State-of-the-art systems are highly accurate on scientific benchmarks. A lack of explainability is currently a complicating factor in many real-world applications. Comprehensible systems are necessary to prevent biased, counterintuitive, or harmful decisions.

ID: 27
Title: Towards Personalized Prompt-Model Retrieval for Generative Recommendation
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02205
Abstract: Recommender Systems are built to retrieve relevant items to satisfy users' information needs. The candidate corpus usually consists of a finite set of items that are ready to be served, such as videos, products, or articles. With recent advances in Generative AI such as GPT and Diffusion models, a new form of recommendation task is yet to be explored where items are to be created by generative models with personalized prompts. Taking image generation as an example, with a single prompt from the user and access to a generative model, it is possible to generate hundreds of new images in a few minutes. How shall we attain personalization in the presence of "infinite" items? In this preliminary study, we propose a two-stage framework, namely Prompt-Model Retrieval and Generated Item Ranking, to approach this new task formulation. We release GEMRec-18K, a prompt-model interaction dataset with 18K images generated by 200 publicly-available generative models paired with a diverse set of 90 textual prompts. Our findings demonstrate the promise of generative model recommendation as a novel personalization problem and the limitations of existing evaluation metrics. We highlight future directions for the RecSys community to advance towards generative recommender systems. Our code and dataset are available at https://github.com/MAPS-research/GEMRec.

ID: 28
Title: Painterly Image Harmonization using Diffusion Model
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02228
Abstract: Painterly image harmonization aims to insert photographic objects into paintings and obtain artistically coherent composite images. Previous methods for this task mainly rely on inference optimization or generative adversarial network, but they are either very time-consuming or struggling at fine control of the foreground objects (e.g., texture and content details). To address these issues, we propose a novel Painterly Harmonization stable Diffusion model (PHDiffusion), which includes a lightweight adaptive encoder and a Dual Encoder Fusion (DEF) module. Specifically, the adaptive encoder and the DEF module first stylize foreground features within each encoder. Then, the stylized foreground features from both encoders are combined to guide the harmonization process. During training, besides the noise loss in diffusion model, we additionally employ content loss and two style losses, i.e., AdaIN style loss and contrastive style loss, aiming to balance the trade-off between style migration and content preservation. Compared with the state-of-the-art models from related fields, our PHDiffusion can stylize the foreground more sufficiently and simultaneously retain finer content. Our code and model are available at https://github.com/bcmi/PHDiffusion-Painterly-Image-Harmonization.

ID: 29
Title: Efficient Monaural Speech Enhancement using Spectrum Attention Fusion
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02263
Abstract: Speech enhancement is a demanding task in automated speech processing pipelines, focusing on separating clean speech from noisy channels. Transformer based models have recently bested RNN and CNN models in speech enhancement, however at the same time they are much more computationally expensive and require much more high quality training data, which is always hard to come by. In this paper, we present an improvement for speech enhancement models that maintains the expressiveness of self-attention while significantly reducing model complexity, which we have termed Spectrum Attention Fusion. We carefully construct a convolutional module to replace several self-attention layers in a speech Transformer, allowing the model to more efficiently fuse spectral features. Our proposed model is able to achieve comparable or better results against SOTA models but with significantly smaller parameters (0.58M) on the Voice Bank + DEMAND dataset.

ID: 30
Title: Maximum-norm a posteriori error bounds for an extrapolated upwind scheme applied to a singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problem
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02264
Abstract: Richardson extrapolation is applied to a simple first-order upwind difference scheme for the approximation of solutions of singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problems in one dimension. Robust a posteriori error bounds are derived for the proposed method on arbitrary meshes. It is shown that the resulting error estimator can be used to stear an adaptive mesh algorithm that generates meshes resolving layers and singularities. Numerical results are presented that illustrate the theoretical findings.

ID: 31
Title: Diffusion-Augmented Depth Prediction with Sparse Annotations
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02283
Abstract: Depth estimation aims to predict dense depth maps. In autonomous driving scenes, sparsity of annotations makes the task challenging. Supervised models produce concave objects due to insufficient structural information. They overfit to valid pixels and fail to restore spatial structures. Self-supervised methods are proposed for the problem. Their robustness is limited by pose estimation, leading to erroneous results in natural scenes. In this paper, we propose a supervised framework termed Diffusion-Augmented Depth Prediction (DADP). We leverage the structural characteristics of diffusion model to enforce depth structures of depth models in a plug-and-play manner. An object-guided integrality loss is also proposed to further enhance regional structure integrality by fetching objective information. We evaluate DADP on three driving benchmarks and achieve significant improvements in depth structures and robustness. Our work provides a new perspective on depth estimation with sparse annotations in autonomous driving scenes.

ID: 32
Title: Who Answers It Better? An In-Depth Analysis of ChatGPT and Stack Overflow Answers to Software Engineering Questions
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02312
Abstract: Q&A platforms have been an integral part of the web-help-seeking behavior of programmers over the past decade. However, with the recent introduction of ChatGPT, the paradigm of web-help-seeking behavior is experiencing a shift. Despite the popularity of ChatGPT, no comprehensive study has been conducted to evaluate the characteristics or usability of ChatGPT's answers to software engineering questions. To bridge the gap, we conducted the first in-depth analysis of ChatGPT's answers to 517 Stack Overflow (SO) questions and examined the correctness, consistency, comprehensiveness, and conciseness of ChatGPT's answers. Furthermore, we conducted a large-scale linguistic analysis, and a user study to understand the characteristics of ChatGPT answers from linguistic and human aspects. Our analysis shows that 52% of ChatGPT answers are incorrect and 77% are verbose. Nonetheless, ChatGPT answers are still preferred 39.34% of the time due to their comprehensiveness and well-articulated language style. Our result implies the necessity of close examination and rectification of errors in ChatGPT, at the same time creating awareness among its users of the risks associated with seemingly correct ChatGPT answers.

ID: 33
Title: Performance of Large Language Models in a Computer Science Degree Program
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02432
Abstract: Large language models such as ChatGPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0 are ubiquitous and dominate the current discourse. Their transformative capabilities have led to a paradigm shift in how we interact with and utilize (text-based) information. Each day, new possibilities to leverage the capabilities of these models emerge. This paper presents findings on the performance of different large language models in a university of applied sciences' undergraduate computer science degree program. Our primary objective is to assess the effectiveness of these models within the curriculum by employing them as educational aids. By prompting the models with lecture material, exercise tasks, and past exams, we aim to evaluate their proficiency across different computer science domains. We showcase the strong performance of current large language models while highlighting limitations and constraints within the context of such a degree program. We found that ChatGPT-3.5 averaged 79.9% of the total score in 10 tested modules, BingAI achieved 68.4%, and LLaMa, in the 65 billion parameter variant, 20%. Despite these convincing results, even GPT-4.0 would not pass the degree program - due to limitations in mathematical calculations.

ID: 34
Title: How to Design and Deliver Courses for Higher Education in the AI Era: Insights from Exam Data Analysis
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02441
Abstract: In this position paper, we advocate for the idea that courses and exams in the AI era have to be designed based on two factors: (1) the strengths and limitations of AI, and (2) the pedagogical educational objectives. Based on insights from the Delors report on education [1], we first address the role of education and recall the main objectives that educational institutes must strive to achieve independently of any technology. We then explore the strengths and limitations of AI, based on current advances in AI. We explain how courses and exams can be designed based on these strengths and limitations of AI, providing different examples in the IT, English, and Art domains. We show how we adopted a pedagogical approach that is inspired from the Socratic teaching method from January 2023 to May 2023. Then, we present the data analysis results of seven ChatGPT-authorized exams conducted between December 2022 and March 2023. Our exam data results show that there is no correlation between students' grades and whether or not they use ChatGPT to answer their exam questions. Finally, we present a new exam system that allows us to apply our pedagogical approach in the AI era.

ID: 35
Title: Convolutions Die Hard: Open-Vocabulary Segmentation with Single Frozen Convolutional CLIP
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02487
Abstract: Open-vocabulary segmentation is a challenging task requiring segmenting and recognizing objects from an open set of categories. One way to address this challenge is to leverage multi-modal models, such as CLIP, to provide image and text features in a shared embedding space, which bridges the gap between closed-vocabulary and open-vocabulary recognition. Hence, existing methods often adopt a two-stage framework to tackle the problem, where the inputs first go through a mask generator and then through the CLIP model along with the predicted masks. This process involves extracting features from images multiple times, which can be ineffective and inefficient. By contrast, we propose to build everything into a single-stage framework using a shared Frozen Convolutional CLIP backbone, which not only significantly simplifies the current two-stage pipeline, but also remarkably yields a better accuracy-cost trade-off. The proposed FC-CLIP, benefits from the following observations: the frozen CLIP backbone maintains the ability of open-vocabulary classification and can also serve as a strong mask generator, and the convolutional CLIP generalizes well to a larger input resolution than the one used during contrastive image-text pretraining. When training on COCO panoptic data only and testing in a zero-shot manner, FC-CLIP achieve 26.8 PQ, 16.8 AP, and 34.1 mIoU on ADE20K, 18.2 PQ, 27.9 mIoU on Mapillary Vistas, 44.0 PQ, 26.8 AP, 56.2 mIoU on Cityscapes, outperforming the prior art by +4.2 PQ, +2.4 AP, +4.2 mIoU on ADE20K, +4.0 PQ on Mapillary Vistas and +20.1 PQ on Cityscapes, respectively. Additionally, the training and testing time of FC-CLIP is 7.5x and 6.6x significantly faster than the same prior art, while using 5.9x fewer parameters. FC-CLIP also sets a new state-of-the-art performance across various open-vocabulary semantic segmentation datasets. Code at https://github.com/bytedance/fc-clip

ID: 36
Title: Diffusion Models for Counterfactual Generation and Anomaly Detection in Brain Images
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02062
Abstract: Segmentation masks of pathological areas are useful in many medical applications, such as brain tumour and stroke management. Moreover, healthy counterfactuals of diseased images can be used to enhance radiologists' training files and to improve the interpretability of segmentation models. In this work, we present a weakly supervised method to generate a healthy version of a diseased image and then use it to obtain a pixel-wise anomaly map. To do so, we start by considering a saliency map that approximately covers the pathological areas, obtained with ACAT. Then, we propose a technique that allows to perform targeted modifications to these regions, while preserving the rest of the image. In particular, we employ a diffusion model trained on healthy samples and combine Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) and Denoising Diffusion Implicit Model (DDIM) at each step of the sampling process. DDPM is used to modify the areas affected by a lesion within the saliency map, while DDIM guarantees reconstruction of the normal anatomy outside of it. The two parts are also fused at each timestep, to guarantee the generation of a sample with a coherent appearance and a seamless transition between edited and unedited parts. We verify that when our method is applied to healthy samples, the input images are reconstructed without significant modifications. We compare our approach with alternative weakly supervised methods on IST-3 for stroke lesion segmentation and on BraTS2021 for brain tumour segmentation, where we improve the DICE score of the best competing method from $0.6534$ to $0.7056$.

ID: 37
Title: Breast Ultrasound Tumor Classification Using a Hybrid Multitask CNN-Transformer Network
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02101
Abstract: Capturing global contextual information plays a critical role in breast ultrasound (BUS) image classification. Although convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have demonstrated reliable performance in tumor classification, they have inherent limitations for modeling global and long-range dependencies due to the localized nature of convolution operations. Vision Transformers have an improved capability of capturing global contextual information but may distort the local image patterns due to the tokenization operations. In this study, we proposed a hybrid multitask deep neural network called Hybrid-MT-ESTAN, designed to perform BUS tumor classification and segmentation using a hybrid architecture composed of CNNs and Swin Transformer components. The proposed approach was compared to nine BUS classification methods and evaluated using seven quantitative metrics on a dataset of 3,320 BUS images. The results indicate that Hybrid-MT-ESTAN achieved the highest accuracy, sensitivity, and F1 score of 82.7%, 86.4%, and 86.0%, respectively.

ID: 38
Title: Multimodal Indoor Localisation in Parkinson's Disease for Detecting Medication Use: Observational Pilot Study in a Free-Living Setting
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.02419
Abstract: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a slowly progressive, debilitating neurodegenerative disease which causes motor symptoms including gait dysfunction. Motor fluctuations are alterations between periods with a positive response to levodopa therapy ("on") and periods marked by re-emergency of PD symptoms ("off") as the response to medication wears off. These fluctuations often affect gait speed and they increase in their disabling impact as PD progresses. To improve the effectiveness of current indoor localisation methods, a transformer-based approach utilising dual modalities which provide complementary views of movement, Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and accelerometer data from wearable devices, is proposed. A sub-objective aims to evaluate whether indoor localisation, including its in-home gait speed features (i.e. the time taken to walk between rooms), could be used to evaluate motor fluctuations by detecting whether the person with PD is taking levodopa medications or withholding them. To properly evaluate our proposed method, we use a free-living dataset where the movements and mobility are greatly varied and unstructured as expected in real-world conditions. 24 participants lived in pairs (consisting of one person with PD, one control) for five days in a smart home with various sensors. Our evaluation on the resulting dataset demonstrates that our proposed network outperforms other methods for indoor localisation. The sub-objective evaluation shows that precise room-level localisation predictions, transformed into in-home gait speed features, produce accurate predictions on whether the PD participant is taking or withholding their medications.