
A Node project designed to support native JavaScript-like features for Nepali date and times. It includes features such as 'NepaliDate' for Nepali date support and 'dateConverter' for date conversions.

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nepali-datetime is a Node.js package designed to provide native JavaScript-like features for Nepali dates. It includes the 'NepaliDate' class for Nepali date support and the 'dateConverter' module for date conversion.


Here are a few examples to get you started:

import NepaliDate from 'nepali-datetime'

// Create a NepaliDate object for the current date and time
const now = new NepaliDate()
console.log(now.toString()) // Outputs: "2080-03-23 15:32:03.643"

// Create a NepaliDate object from a Nepali date string
const date1 = new NepaliDate('2079-02-15 23:11')
console.log(date1.toString()) // Outputs: "2079-02-15 23:11:00"

// Parse Nepali date string
const date2 = new NepaliDate('Baisakh 18, 2080', 'MMMM D, YYYY')
console.log(date1.toString()) // Outputs: "2080-01-18 00:00:00"

// Format a NepaliDate object
const formattedDate = now.format('YYYY-MM-DD')
console.log(formattedDate) // Outputs: "2080-03-23"

// Create a NepaliDate object from an English date
const date3 = NepaliDate.fromEnglishDate(2023, 6, 8)
console.log(englishDate.toString()) // Outputs: "2080-03-23 00:00:00"


To install nepali-datetime, you can use npm or yarn:

npm install nepali-datetime


yarn add nepali-datetime



The NepaliDate class represents a Nepali calendar date. It provides various methods and properties to work with Nepali dates.

Creating a NepaliDate object

You can create a NepaliDate object in several ways:

  • Without any parameters: Creates a NepaliDate object for the current date and time.

    import NepaliDate from 'nepali-datetime'
    const now = new NepaliDate()
  • Using a Nepali date string: Parses the string as a Nepali calendar date.

    const date1 = new NepaliDate('2079-02-15')
    const date2 = new NepaliDate('2079-02-15 14:00')
  • Using a Unix timestamp (in milliseconds):

    const date2 = new NepaliDate(1654210800000)
  • Using a JavaScript Date object: Converts the JavaScript Date object to a NepaliDate object.

    const jsDate = new Date()
    const date3 = new NepaliDate(jsDate)
  • Using an existing NepaliDate object: Creates a new NepaliDate object with the same values.

    const date4 = new NepaliDate(date3)
  • Using Nepali calendar date and time parameters: Specifies the components of a Nepali calendar date.

    const date5 = new NepaliDate(year, month, date, hour, minute, second, ms)
    const date6 = new NepaliDate(2079, 2, 15, 10, 30)

Getting the Nepali date components

You can retrieve various components of a NepaliDate object using the following methods:

  • getDateObject(): Retrieves the Javascript Date object equivalent to the NepaliDate.
  • getTime(): Retrieves the Unix timestamp (in milliseconds) of the Nepali date.
  • getYear(): Retrieves the year of the Nepali date in the Nepali calendar.
  • getEnglishYear(): Retrieves the year of the Nepali date in the English calendar.
  • getMonth(): Retrieves the month of the Nepali date in the Nepali calendar.
  • getEnglishMonth(): Retrieves the month of the Nepali date in the English calendar.
  • getDate(): Retrieves the day of the month of the Nepali date in the Nepali calendar.
  • getEnglishDate(): Retrieves the day of the month of the Nepali date in the English calendar.
  • getDay(): Retrieves the day of the week represented by a numeric value.
  • getHours(): Retrieves the hour value of the Nepali date.
  • getMinutes(): Retrieves the minute value of the Nepali date.
  • getSeconds(): Retrieves the second value of the Nepali date.
  • getMilliseconds(): Retrieves the millisecond value of the Nepali date.

Setting the Nepali date components

You can set individual components of a NepaliDate object using the following methods:

  • setYear(year): Sets the year of the Nepali date.
  • setMonth(month): Sets the month of the Nepali date.
  • setDate(day): Sets the day of the month of the Nepali date.
  • setHours(hour): Sets the hour of the Nepali date.
  • setMinutes(minute): Sets the minute of the Nepali date.
  • setSeconds(second): Sets the second of the Nepali date.
  • setMilliseconds(ms): Sets the millisecond of the Nepali date.
  • setTime(time): Sets the Nepali date and time values using a Unix timestamp.

Formatting the Nepali date

You can format a NepaliDate object as a string using the format() and formatNepali() methods.

  • format(formatStr): Returns a string representation (in English) of the NepaliDate object in the specified format.
  • formatNepali(formatStr): Returns a string representation in the Nepali (Devanagari) script of the NepaliDate object in the specified format.
const now = new NepaliDate(2079, 5, 3, 16, 14)
console.log(now.format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm A')) // Outputs: 2079-06-03 04:14 PM

The date formatting will follow the format codes mentioned below, which are similar to the date formats used in day.js.

Format Token Description Example
YYYY 4-digit year 2023
YY 2-digit year 23
MMMM Full month name Baisakh
MMM Abbreviated month name Bai
MM 2-digit month 01-12
M Month number, beginning at 1 1-12
DD 2-digit day of the month 01-31
D Day of the month 1-31
dddd Full day of the week Monday
ddd Abbreviated day of the week Mon
d Day of the week, with Sunday as 0 0-6
HH 2-digit hour (24-hour format) 00-23
H Hour (24-hour format) 0-23
hh 2-digit hour (12-hour format) 01-12
h Hour (12-hour format) 1-12
mm 2-digit minutes 00-59
m Minutes 0-59
ss 2-digit seconds 00-59
s Seconds 0-59
SSS 3-digit milliseconds 000-999
A Uppercase AM/PM AM or PM
a Lowercase am/pm am or pm

Any other character will be printed as it is. If you need to print the special characters (YMDmd), please enclose them within square brackets. Example: .format("[YMDmd]")

For the list of month names and their abbreviations, you can refer to the table below.

Value of Month Abbreviation Full Name
0 Bai Baisakh
1 Jes Jestha
2 Asa Asar
3 Shr Shrawan
4 Bhd Bhadra
5 Asw Aswin
6 Kar Kartik
7 Man Mangsir
8 Pou Poush
9 Mag Magh
10 Fal Falgun
11 Cha Chaitra

Converting to JavaScript Date object

You can get the equivalent JavaScript Date object of a NepaliDate object using the getDateObject() method.

const now = new NepaliDate(2079, 5, 3)
console.log(now.getDateObject()) // Date 2022-09-18T18:15:00.000Z

Creating a NepaliDate object from an English date

You can create a NepaliDate object from an English calendar date using the fromEnglishDate method.

const date = NepaliDate.fromEnglishDate(2023, 6, 8)
console.log(date.toString()) // Outputs: "2080-03-23 00:00:00"


The dateConverter module provides functions for converting dates between the Nepali and English calendars.

  • englishToNepali(year, month, day): Converts an English calendar date to a Nepali calendar date. Returns an array [yearNp, monthNp, dayNp] representing the Nepali date.
  • nepaliToEnglish(year, month, day): Converts a Nepali calendar date to an English calendar date. Returns an array [yearEn, monthEn, dayEn] representing the English date.
import dateConverter from 'nepali-datetime/dateConverter'

// english to nepali date conversion
const [npYear, npMonth, npDay] = dateConverter.englishToNepali(2023, 5, 27)

// nepali to english date conversion
const [enYear, enMonth, enDay] = dateConverter.nepaliToEnglish(2080, 2, 15)


This project was inspired by nepali-date. We would like to express our gratitude to their team for their excellent work and ideas, which served as a motivation for this project.


We appreciate feedback and contribution to this package. To get started please see our contribution guide.