
TestAPI is a fake online REST API for testing and prototyping.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Mock API

TestAPI is a fake online REST API for testing and prototyping.


Route Method Description
/users GET Returns a collection of users
/users/:id GET Return user with the specified id
/posts GET Returns a collection of posts
/posts/:id GET Returns the post with the specified ID
/postwithuser/:id GET Returns the post with the specified ID and the user data
/products GET Returns a collection of products
/products/:sku GET Returns the products with the specified sku
/restaurants GET Returns a collection of restaurant data
/auth/login POST Returns a token for the user


  1. Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/opensource254/mock-api.git
  2. Navigate into the directory cd mock-api/
  3. Install npm(recommended) dependencies npm i or with yarn yarn
  4. Start the dev server with auto reload npm run dev or with yarn yarn dev
  5. Your server is now running at localhost:3006 the default port be free to change to your desired port.


  1. Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/opensource254/mock-api.git
  2. Navigate into the directory cd mock-api/
  3. Install npm(recommended) dependencies npm i or with yarn yarn
  4. npm start. Your app is now running on localhost:3006 which is only accessible via LAN to enable WAN access(Not recommended), Edit bin/www change the address from locahost to Your API can now be accessed via your-ip:3006.

A better way is to use a reverse proxy with a web server of your choice. I'd recommend nginx.


We love contributions 🤩🤩 Most of the guidelines can be found here for the sake of clarity here is a few guidelines on how to contribute.

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Work on your feature
  3. Create a pull request and let us discuss and review your awesome feature


The API is live here https://mock-api.opensource254.co.ke/