Open Source Catholic

This Jekyll project powers

Open Source Catholic's mission is to help Catholic developers and organizations involved in software and web development find effective solutions for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

See CONTRIBUTING if you'd like to contirbute a blog post.

Website History

The website was originally built on Drupal 7, and ran with a forum, user blogs and project listings for almost eight years before it was migrated to a static Jekyll site, with comments migrated from Drupal to Disqus.

You can contribute content to Open Source Catholic following the guide in

Local Development

Building the site locally requires Ruby. We recommend installing Ruby using rbenv. You should install and use a version of ruby matching the one specified in .ruby-version.

To get started building the site locally, run the following commands in the project directory:

  1. gem install jekyll bundler
  2. bundle install
  3. bundle exec jekyll serve
  4. Open http://localhost:4000/ in a web browser

Updating Gems

To update the gems in Gemfile.lock (if they are out of date), run bundle update and commit the new Gemfile.lock.