A resource to help people find open source software projects that are beginner-friendly and committed to diversity and inclusion.
Fork this repository and commit to your forked version, then make a pull request to this repository.
Create a Markdown file in the projects directory. Follow the example.md as an example for the template.
Here are some initial questions for investigating an open source project. Remember: your time and labor is valuable! Give it to an open source project community that treats its contributors well.
Where do people communicate? Slack? GitHub? IRC? Mailing list? Forum?
Code of Conduct? How short or extensive?
Do maintainers / contributors say THANK YOU, is discussion and review respectful and helpful?
Is code review actionable, specific, and kind?
If stuff DOES violate code of conduct, do community members respond and act?
How many maintainers are there? Who approves changes? Is it mostly one person? A group of people?
How often do Pull Requests get merged
How to submit issues?
What labels are used for issues?
Git workflow? How to get maintainers attention for PR review?
Environment setup docs?
Tests? Do they pass when you run them?
Continuous integration? Code coverage?
Style guides?