
Open source software and hardware transmission system for traditional and rotating MR

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COSI Transmit is an Open Source Software and Hardware project of a transmitter for traditional and rotating magnetic resonance imaging. The documentation for the hardware and the software is made freely available to the community.

This work is part of the Open Source Imaging Initiative (www.opensourceimaging.org) and more information on the project can be accessed here: http://www.opensourceimaging.org/project/cosi-transmit/

It is an ongoing project with incomplete documentation, so if you have questions please contact:

Lukas Winter (lukas.winter@ptb.de)

If you find COSI Transmit useful in your work, please cite this publication:

Blücher C, Han H, Hoffmann W, Seemann R, Seifert F, Niendorf T, and Winter L, "COSI Transmit: Open Source Soft- and Hardware Transmission System for traditional and rotating MR", Proc ISMRM, 2017, #184

If you find grMRI useful in your work, please cite this publication:

Hasselwander, Christopher J., Zhipeng Cao, and William A. Grissom. "gr-MRI: A software package for magnetic resonance imaging using software defined radios." Journal of Magnetic Resonance 270 (2016): 47-55.

Documentation published describing Hardware is licensed under the CERN OHL v1.2. For information on the license please read the DISCLAIMER.pdf