
Scrapers for FarmSubsidy data in the member states

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

FarmSubsidy.org Scrapers

FarmSubsidy is a website that collects the payment data of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) which represents about a third of the EU budget. It was run by a group of journalists and activists for the past years. In 2013 the OpenSpending project of the Open Knowledge Foundation took over responsibility of the website.

The FarmSubsidy data is mostly scraped from member state websites. The old scrapers were working well, but were running in costly and proprietary software. This year we need Free and Open Source scrapers and this repository will collect these scrapers and coordinate the effort.

Please have a look at the member state scraper issues. If you can help provide a scraper that would be awesome.

Developer Documentation

Developer documentation for both website and scrapers can be found at http://farmsubsidy.readthedocs.org.

Member states data sites

Financial Reports